Chapter 3 - Funky Dance

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CHAPTER 3Funky Dance

Jason's POV

Ryan nudged me with his elbow. "Jay, bitch at one o'clock," he whispered.

My head immediately snapped in direction of an achingly familiar blonde making her way towards us. I tensed as I fought to keep my facial expression impassive. Fuck, I had managed to avoid her all morning! Why did she have to come back?

“Jaybear!" she shrieked as soon as she was in front me with her arms wide open as if expecting me to get up and hug her.

"Trinity." I said dully, almost wincing at hearing the old nickname she had given me back when we were dating.

“Well? No welcome back kiss? Aren't you happy to see me?" she pouted whilst repeatedly batting her eyelashes.

By now, we'd gained everyone's attention as they eagerly followed our every move like hawks.

Frankly? I'd rather get a kick in the balls than see you, I thought bitterly. "Not particularly," I answered calmly, not wanting to cause too much of a scene.

"I missed you, baby," she continued as if I hadn't said anything. A split second later, she threw her arms around my neck as she landed in my lap.

Stunned, I tried to process what was happening as her words echoed in my head like a broken record. I missed you. I missed you. I missed you.

I couldn't say that having her in my arms once again didn't feel good, because it did. However, I forced myself to ignore it as much as possible.

"What do you think you're doing, Trinity?" I replied with a raised eyebrow, glad that my calm exterior did nothing to give away my rapid heartbeat.

“What do you mean? I'm just reuniting with my boyfriend," she responded innocently, as if she really had no clue what I was talking about. I knew better, though.

“Ex-boyfriend. We broke up before you even left." I corrected her. I was fighting to keep from tightening my arms around her.

"Then I want to get back together," she twirled her hair around a finger. That move was one I had once found to be oddly sexy in the past, but now it just screamed desperate.

“Well I don't," I stated flatly.

“Come on. You know better than anyone else that make up sex is the best," she whispered seductively in my ear as her hand rubbed against my growing hard on. Shit, she got me there. Not to mention, she’s wild in bed…

“I think that's enough, Trinity. Just face it. Jason doesn't want to get back with your slutty arse so go seduce someone else." A sharp voice snapped as someone jumped up from their seat.

That brought me out of my lust-filled haze as I realized where we were. I had completely forgotten about the others around me until Ryan had spoken up.

I shook my head as if to get rid of these naughty thoughts. I didn’t want to make the same mistake twice. I couldn’t.

Trinity gasped as the words registered into her brain. She glared at him before looking at me with a pout. What did she want this time?

"Are you just going to let him talk to me like that?" She whined as if she actually believed I would defend her. In the past I wouldn’t have hesitated to come to her defense, but that was the thing; that was the past. Things had changed.

"He's right, you know. Go find another boy toy," I replied casually, wanting to end this conversation as soon as possible.

"But I only want you!" she shrieked sounding like a dying cat that I almost winced. God, had her voice always been this annoying?

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