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He took grip of my hand and we walked into my bedroom. He seemed like he really needed to tell me something. "Sit, please," He asked. He seems scared, as if expecting a bad reaction of something. I sat on my bed while he stood in front of me. "Hunter, if you hate me after this, I don't blame you. Well, we've known each other for years now, and we've been best friends. I don't know how to put this, and I don't know how you'll take this, so I'm gonna put it plain and simple. I'm gay," Corey explained. I looked at him with a blank expression trying to contain how I felt about this. It's... it's... hilarious! I began to throw a fit of laughter. Corey looked at me like I'm a mad man and asked, "Why are you laughing? I'm being serious. I'm a faggot. Why are you laughing?" I couldn't take it any longer when I began to cry from the laughter. "Bro, you were scared to tell me you like dudes? What was I supposed to say? That I don't accept you? One, you're my best friend. Two, I always knew. I've caught you staring at my ass and at every other 'cute' boy in our school since the fourth grade!" I explained. He exhaled, seeming relieved. I threw my arm over his shoulder and gave him a kiss. "Yeah, you shouldn't do that anymore..." Corey said. "What, put my arm around your neck?" I asked. "No. You shouldn't kiss me anymore considering you know I'm gay now," Corey explained. "How long have I been kissing you on the lips?" I asked him, trying to get my point across. "Since the fourth― ohhhh!" Corey said, in a moment of realization.

4 Years Later...

"It's the last day of our high school senior year and you're going to spend it with the girls instead of your best friend?" I question Corey's decision to go shopping with some girls from our Calculus lecture. "Aren't you guys going to play Lacrosse or something?" He asked me. "Yeah, so?" I said. "I'm not an athlete like you. Plus, we are going to the same university come September and we live, what, 4 houses away from each other?" Corey said. He had a point. We live on the same street and we're attending the same college when classes begin in September. "Alright, go. Get me something from that store," I told Corey with a suggestive wink. He blushed and ran to catch up with the girls. Little geek. I would explain what "that store" is, but I'm sure you've figured it out by now. I went to the boys' locker room and took off my shirt. I dig in my locker in search for my Lacrosse jersey. "Looking for this?" A voice said. I turn my head and see Derek. "Hey, Der-Der. I need that!" I walk over to Derek and take the jersey from him. He then pokes my chest 2 times before walking away. Derek was one of the other few gay kids in the school. He wasn't out to everyone yet, only me. He trusts me being I'm his personal fitness trainer. I grab my cleats and shut my locker. I shoved on the cleats and start running to the lacrosse field outside.

After the lacrosse game, I decided to head over to Corey's house, just to check if he's home already. His bedroom is on the first floor, so I crept over towards his window and look inside.


I decide to check the kitchen since he has one hell of an appetite, all the time. I take a quick glance from the patio and see him eating a PB&J sandwich with a glass of chocolate milk on the side. I go towards the back door and kick it in. I walk in to see Corey with his hand over his heart, hyperventilating.

"Calm down, Corey. You're overreacting," I said.

"Shut up, Hunter," He scolds. "I hope you know you're paying for that door," He tells me.

I nod my head and take a bite out of his sandwich, then give him a quick kiss before running down the hall into his bedroom. I lock the door and jump on his bed. He never ran after me... Just then, I hear a thump on the ground.

It was Corey.

"What the fuck, Corey!" I yelled.

"I always leave my window open if I have a feeling you'll be coming over," He explained.

He had a point. I've noticed that most times when I come over, one of his bedroom windows are open. I then pick him up and throw him on the bed. "Go to sleep, I know you're tired," I told him. He doesn't hesitate to close his eyes and curl up into a ball-like shape. I crawl into the bed and cuddle onto him...

Fuck, I'm so gay...

[A/N] Hey guys! Sorry for this short chapter, but hey, it's a starter. So now you guys have seen what the friendship of Hunter and Corey is like, and I gave that little peek of Corey's coming out to Hunter. You also got a glimpse of Hunter's thoughts: he's questioning his sexuality. More background information to come next chapter, so stay tuned.

-Kaiden Hyde

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