A touch of Impatience.

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Saui immediately turned to Kaul and met his eyes. “Mind explaining why you released a mate marker?” Kaul could only shrug and begin to walk back towards his private boat dragging Lan with him. “It is enough to know she is ours, sir” stated Lan with confidence. Saui wanted to interject but both Juin and Carlie stayed him. Sighing with frustration, he glanced once more at his oldest son and his male mate. He could only wish them luck. The 5 climbed aboard the boat back to the royal island. They watched as Kaul and Lan’s boat took off to their small private island just a mere 30 minutes from the Visitor’s center but an Hour from the royal island.

Lan stood behind Kaul with his hand gently on his waist. Kaul leaned into his touch needing the quiet reassurance from his love. Lan gently kissed Kaul’s neck and whispered in his ear “She will moan beneath us until our last breath. Fear not, the reset will sway her”. Kaul moaned as imagines flashed in his mind of Taylor’s Golden curls spread across their turquoise sheets.  Her naked body writhing beneath his hands. Her pussy drenched in love and need. His dick instantly became hard causing Lan to moan at the shared feelings. Lan slowly reached forward to stroke Kaul through his Linen shorts.

Although Kaul was the leader of the relationship, Lan was the seducer. His feather touches and soft whispers. Kaul was hopeless under his ministrations and didn’t want to be helped. Kaul had to remember he was driving a boat and he needed to keep his focus. He gently removed Lan’s hand and forced him back. Although he craved his loves touch, they needed to focus on attaining their soul. They had much work to do and the Mating Council to inform.

Meanwhile, Taylor was admiring the view out her splendid bungalow over the water. There was a narrow boardwalk that led up to a 4 room bungalow. You walked into an open air living kitchen combo with stone work everywhere. The kitchen featured a full glass floor looking into the clear blue ocean water, which she still wasn’t quite comfortable walking on. To the rear of the rounded bungalow was the bed and bath. Since the island was built to accommodate 50 but only housed 5, she had tons of privacy. Her bedroom featured a fully carved teak bed and armoire. There was a Mosquito netting canopy and a beautiful teak fan. On the left was a large stone tub that could fit 3 along with a glass vessel sink and porcelain toilet. The entire bathroom wall was glass looking into the ocean. She could see out but no one could see in. if you took 4 steps down from the bath tub there was a small stone shower enclosed with beautiful stone walls for privacy.

She decided a shower, and then food would be best and at least 12 hours of uninterrupted sleep. It was only 5:00pm here but she had been traveling for more than 40 hours and her body was weary. She slowly peeled her clothes off and stepped in to the shower. Warm fresh water poured over her and instantly relaxed her muscles. After her relaxing but brief shower she padded over to the kitchen to see if there was anything in the fridge. After a few hesitant steps on the glass floor, she made it to the fridge to discover it was full of her favorite foods. Down to the brands and quantities she would normally buy. This began to creep her out, wondering just how much the Khi knew about her, her habits, and her past.

After sitting down to a quick salad and ice cold glass of orange juice, she drowsily stumbled to the extra-large bed, stripped bare and face planted right into the cloud like sheets.

Kaul and Lan were just arriving to their private island in clear view of the visitor’s center. Lan decided her would run to the security room and see if the feeds from the Visitor’s island were accessible. “What are you in such a hurry for my heart?” asked Kaul. “I wish to watch our soul sleep. I crave her like nothing before and wish I could lie next to her. Do you think her room is comfortable enough?” Kaul laughed at Lan, with no venom. As much as he felt the need to closely monitor their soul, he knew she was safe, comfortable and resting. He felt it in his heart and tried to share his feelings with Lan. Lan breathed a sigh of relief at the calm that washed over him. Kaul knew how to keep the emotion Lan centered. Kaul was the hot head, passionate, irrational one. Lan, quiet but a worrier. He stressed over details and sought the ultimate pleasure of please Kaul and anticipating his needs. And now Taylor’s. 

Kaul reached over Lan’s shoulder and flicked the monitor off. Lan had yet to locate which came was in Taylor’s bungalow and wanted to distract his delicious mate for a while. Meeting Taylor had lighted a fire that only his heart could calm. Lan immediately knew what Kaul sought. As Kaul caressed his chest, Lan unbuttoned his linen shorts and wished Kaul would quickly grip his shaft.

The women of Khi shared a mate, Two males per female. Each male was born for a specific type of penetration. Kaul was strictly for anal. His dick, while not nearly as thick as Lan’s had small bumps all the way around for added anal stimulation. Still massive in its own right, at an impressive 9 inches. He was not nearly as large as his heart. La n’s dick was an impressive 13 inches. Smooth but thick. He was meant purely for fucking his Soul’s pussy. His dick had never penetrated a vagina and would only be able to find purchase in Taylor’s now. Both of them were equipped with a special “Mate reset” in their sperm. Once they both penetrated their Soul, this DNA Reset would fly through her body, instantly making her fertile and increase her life span. She would forget much of her former life and instantly know all of the customs of Khi.

Kaul stroked Lan’s dick with long smooth strokes. Lan’s head rolled backwards as Kaul’s plump lips found his pulse. Lan found himself moaning Taylor’s name in time with Kaul’s strokes. He could envision Taylor on her knees, begging for his cum as Kaul stroked his dick in quick, rough strokes. “Please Kaul, Please.” He begged. “Please what? Say it clearly.” Kaul demanded. While Lan’s dick was bigger, Kaul ruled their relationship with an iron will. Lan loved Kaul’s need to control. “Kaul began to jerk Lan in faster rougher strokes making the lithe man beg in sobs. “Please, my heart, Let me cum. Let me give you my cum.” Kaul growled loudly, vibrating the walls. Lan took this as permission and began to cum violently. He cum shoot up at least 4 feet in the air and continued to squirt for several minutes after. His body spasmed and tears flowed out his eyes.

Kaul cuddled behind his heart, his eyes a fierce golden. No visible iris or pupil, just pure golden. Lan knew Kaul could not find release until they mated with Taylor. Such was the way of the Dominate Khi males. While he felt bad, he couldn’t help but to drift into a sated slumber, visions of their Soul sleep but a few minutes away floating through his head.

****** Kaul is Over there!*******

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