The Runaway Angel (A Russia love story)

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The day that I ran Daddy had beaten me because I cried, and mother had called me 'a worthless, heartless MISTAKE' and so I couldn't take it anymore, I ran, I ran into the Silence...

Chapter One; The Escape It has been a half hour, yet still no train has come... that's odd... the trains run every fifteen minutes. I feel something wet fall onto my cheek. I sit up and look around. I am not at the trax station, but rather somewhere else, a cave.

"Ah, so you are awake! Aru!" Says... oh. My. Gate. That sounds like China from Hetalia! I turn around to find a boy who even LOOKS like china standing in front of a waterfall, I suppose the waterfall explains the wetness on my cheek...

"Y-yes I am awake... who are you?" I ask... I wonder how long it is before he too realizes that I am worthless...

"Wang Yao, but you may just call me China! Aru!" The boy, China says. (because this is a fanfiction I can make them all as young or old as I want, and I decided they are all fourteen, fifteen, or sixteen... China is fifteen.)

"I am very pleased to meet you." I reply, suppressing my own instinct to say 'aru' as I have occasionally done in the past... yes my animes affect me that much. So this boy really IS China...does that mean that it is possible that Russia could also exist... I better not get my hopes up, if I actually met him first off I'd be too shy to actually say ANYTHING to him, and second off, he'd realize that I am worthless...

"No need to be so formal! Aru!" China says, interupting my thoughts.

"S-sorry it's a habit." I say, very quietly, "S-so where am I?"

"We are in China! Aru!" China says happily. That means I have escaped the hard hands and mean words...for now.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2013 ⏰

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