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"WHAT THE FUCK NELL WHY DIDN'T YOU WAKE ME UP" fuckin stupid piece of shit. My first day of highschool and he didn't wake me up now I'm late.

The first thing I do is call my friend to pick me up I have a car but if I take it I have to take the little prick with me and I don't want anyone to find out that we live together.You are probably thinking a young girl shouldint talk like that well fuck you.

I brush my teeth take a shower wash my face and do my morning ritual picked out one of my outfit and started hedding downstairs my friend was waiting out side .

I go to the kitchen and see Nell looking out the window. Can we all just take a moment to realise how stupid of a name Nell is its just one of the many reasons I hate him.I walk up slowly and pull his hair

"Ow-" he says in surprised and alarm but I cut him off.

"Why didn't you wake me up you only have one job to do but you can't even do that I guess now we know why your mom and dad left you"

"...Sorr-"he said with a hint of sadness in his eyes

"Shut up"I replied while pushing him out the way.My mom tells me to be nice to him but she's not the one that has to deal with him at home and school

As I got in my friend Rose's car I looked her up and down and couldnt believe how much of a slut she is.

Rose has the brightest shade of red for her hair she said she wants everyone she "meets" to remember her she has a pretty face and is blessed in the front and back she is about 5'5and weres clothes that scream FUCK ME NOW.

"Hey you heard about the new kid "she says interrupting my thoughts

"No... why"

"I hear he's cute and rich apparently he transferred her last minute "

I had my doubts Rose thinks very one is cute. Even Nell,that's when i stopped listening to her advice.I changed the subject and we kept on chatting.

Nate's POV

I hate that I had to move from new York all the way to Texas just because of my dad .He was having an affair with one of my teachers and of course my mom was so intent on "saving the marriage" that insted of dumping his loser ass she disided to get a fresh start.

"Good morning mom "I said as I walked in to the kitchen totally ignoring my dad I took my breakfast and started heading for the door

"W-Wait Nate if you need a ride I can give you one" my dad said he knew I hated him.I looked at him with the most killer glear "fuck off" .I wish I stayed long enough to see the surprise on his face.

When I got on the bus all eyes were on me and I couldn't help but rethink my decision.As I walked deeper in all I could hear people wispering "wow" ,"he's hot"," look at his eyes "but I kepped on ignoring them and found a place to sit.

At around the 5th stop I was starting to get tired of the ride that is until I saw an angle I didint even notice that I was staring .He was small and pale and had bright hazle eyes that were decorated by dark lashes.

Then all of a sudden he did something that made my heart picked up speed

he smiled

Almost automatically I moved closer and started to say "H--"
"Ellis hey" he said looking at the seat behind me.

Feeling embarrassed I really started hating who ever Ellis was.


All through school I couldn't sit still the fact that I was so close to him yet so far was killing me. I don't even know why I cared I just meet him .

when it was lunch time I was dragged to the cool kids table and I
Furiously started looking for him when I saw him my heart couldn't help but pickup

Goal #1: learn his name

Nell's POV

His name was Nate he was tall had forest green eyes, blond hair and over all the hottest thing I've ever seen .

perfect for Mia but for some reason he was looking at me which for those of you that don't know the only reason a cool hot kid would look at me to

.ask me for Mia's number
.try to get me to do their homework
.to make me a subject to bully
.and if its not one of the above he is completely crazy

that's the list me and my friends came up with. Wait sorry. My friend came up with,her name is Ellis. she has red hair and green eyes she's short and a little on the the goth side. but ether way he was distracting

when school was over I was just about to run out of there. Why. Beacaue all the way after lunch he would make an attempt to talk to me and at around 7th period he started to get pissed and grabbed my arm only to get stopped by his personal tour guide ,giving me the chance to make my mad dash.I don't know why I didn't want to talk to him for some reason he just seemed.... dangerous

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