Chapter 1

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( Alena's POV )

I wake up to Alice bouncing on my bed waking me up. "MUMMY, MAMA, MOM" Alice shouted at me, "Yes bubba" I replied exhausted. "UNCLE HARRY AND LOUIS ARE COMING OVER" Alice says in her sweet little baby voice. Shit I haven't seen Harry since that night and Louis my brother doesn't even know I have a baby.. WHAT if he notices? The only reason Alice would know this would be because her Grandma (mine and louis's mom) would have called up and told her, you see my mom is the only person who knows about Alice and knows what happened and who Alice's father is.

"Alice go on downstairs, I'll be down there in a couple of minutes just let mummy get dressed" I say, giving her a quick peck on the cheek. "Okie dokie mumma" Alice replies in a baby voice, I quickly chucked on some clothes, didn't bother putting on makeup. I walked out of my room and went to Alice's room, grab an outfit out for her, I then grabbed her hair brush. I walked out of Alice's room quickly, ran downstairs and brushed her hair gently, I put her outfit on quickly.

------ OUTFITS-----------

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My ears quirk up at the sound of my doorbell ringing, I grab hold of Alice's hand and shout "I am coming" Holding Alice's hand, I walk to the door and open it to see Louis and Harry. Alice jumps up and down and says "Hi!" In a very baby enthusiastic tone. Louis and Harry look down at Alice and then to me " We need to talk " Louis and Harry say loudly. "Eh Okay, come on in" I mumble, opening the door wider so they can walk on in, "Lovely home Alena" Louis says, "Thank you" I reply. I walk them into the lounge room, " So who is the kid " Louis says rather rudely, " My daughter Alice " I snap back at him, " And why didn't I know anything about this? " Louis shouts at me, "OH I DON'T FUCKING BLOODY KNOW, MAYBE BECAUSE YOUR BEST MATE HARRY HERE FUCKED ME AND THEN LEFT ME JUST LIKE THAT" I screamed at him fuming!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2016 ⏰

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