xxv. a metaphorical fire

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xxv. a metaphorical fire 

     AS SHE NEARED the door with her gun raised, she looked to see Denver flanking her on the right side. Across from her was Jackson, who was staring her down and watching as the door slowly began to close. Before she knew it, Jackson slammed the bottom of his foot into the woodwork, kicking a hole in the bottom of it.

Rushing inside, they kept their guns raised and hid behind objects they knew would cover their bodies. After waiting for a short moment, a man walked out in front of Rinn and she pressed the barrel of her beloved Rossi into the back of his head.

"If you move, I'll blow your fucking head off," she growled out, catching him by surprise.

"Jackson," the man slowly spoke, "I didn't know your new Vice President was of the female race. That's an interesting addition."

Suddenly, Jackson walked out in front of the man and glared into his eyes. The only light was coming from the fire out front, blazing it's illumination in the space in front of Rinn. She could see Jackson's eyes; they will filled with anger and it was boiling out the sides of his metaphorical pot.

"Adam, I told you not to show up here," Jackson growled out, causing Rinn to look back at the hair on his head. It was dark and he was short next to Jackson. Standing about an inch or so taller than Rinn, she could look directly into his eyes if he was facing her and pull the trigger.

"Your VP has a bit of a talent for catching people that sneak around, doesn't she?" He chuckled, causing her to press the barrel of the gun more firmly against the back of his head, making him cringe away from her and closer to Jackson.

He smirked sarcastically down at Adam while asking, "What are you here for?"

"The same thing you're here for," he returned Jackson's sarcastic smirk with a cocky on of his own, turning around and facing the gun pointed at his head. "You're in this for the money . . . and I guarantee, whoever pulls the trigger and ends my life will have a pack of drug mules hunting them down in a matter of minutes."

"I'm sure I can handle my own," Rinn growled out, causing his grin to faultier for a moment.

"Lower the gun, Rinn," Jackson murmured to her, causing her to grit her teeth together. For a moment, she didn't move and just allowed him to stare down the barrel of her gun. Then, she pulled the trigger and it clicked.

Shock was written all over his face, making her slowly lower her weapon. She knew there was an empty slot before the one with the bullet in it and she used it to her advantage. She was showing Adam she wasn't afraid to pull the trigger and he got the message.

Loud and clear.

"You didn't answer my question," Jackson growled out, causing him to sigh and swallow deeply. For a moment, he didn't know what to say or do. He just held Rinn's intimidating age, making him wonder about her. Through the darkness that was beginning to take over the room, he could barely see her . . . but the light from the fire outside reflected off her eyes, making her look even more dangerous than she really was.

"I heard she was lethal," Adam muttered, turning around slowly and stepping an inch to his left. He didn't want his back on her; she was a weapon of destruction, from what he was hearing . . . and he secretly wondered to himself about how much blood was on her hands.

"She is," Denver spoke up, pulling everyone back to reality. "I doubt that's your reason for being here, though. So, why don't you answer Jackson's question so we can get back to our night?"

"Why? Are you busy?" He mockingly asked, causing Rinn to slam the barrel of her Rossi into his abdomen. He doubled over and grunted, holding his stomach and keeping back the bile that was rising in his throat.

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