Chapter 2.

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I'd adjust my tie as I see flashes of crawling worms and ants underneath the ground, as I fall down in my recliner down in the dirt. Finally, my tie gets placed in order and at the same time, the recliner stops moving. Outside of the tube, I see a huge labaratory, with dozens of scientists surrounding test tubes, control panels, and some of them running around with parcels.

'Where's Antoine..'  I wonder. I'm tempted to wander around this huge underground headquarters, which was built underneath my house. Instead of standing up, I sit on the recliner, making sure not to pull the handle. Or I might go all the way back up again.

A figure wearing a lab coat with glasses and spikey hair approaches my way. I can tell that he's having trouble moving through the horde of scientists, but he manages to escape their flood. "Hey Antoine."

I'd say.

"Hey Ache."

"What'd you call me up here for?" I'd ask him, looking at him scribble down notes in the clipboard he's holding.

"Well, I designed a new weapon for you." He'd signal me to stand up from my recliner and follow him. Antoine would disappear into the crowd of white-coated geniuses, somewhere he really does belong. I stand out strangely in the midst of all white-clothes people down here, so people would often stare at me then look away. Antoine would wait for me somewhere near the back at the laboratory. He's standing near a pathway leading to a room with a huge test tube with control panels surrounding it. He'd step inside and signal me to go in with him. This place wasn't filled with scientists, only Antoine. Possibly he finally got his new office. He would walk over near the test tube. I on the other hand, would stay still in the pathway staring at the empty test tube. 

"Antoine, what are you looking at..?" I'd ask.

Antoine would continously scribble down on his clipboard, while taking quick glances at the empty test tube. I got curious and decided to walk into the room, my hard shoes making a click noise whenever I walked. I'd stand beside Antoine who continued scribbling down notes, ignoring me completely. He would place his clipboard down on the control panel and his pen in his ear, then press a couple of buttons. 

"What are you doing with an empty test tube experiment?!" I'd finally say, impatient.

Antoine would sigh and bend over, grabbing something in his hand. He would bring his hand out, and there would show a bulky watch.

"Great! Something to tell time with was a very good idea for a spy! Bravo, Antoine! Bravo!" I'd say in a teasing manner. Antoine would roll his eyes.

"Ache, stop with the sarcasm. It's a multi-purpose watch." Antoine would try to explain, but I cut him off and took the watch. I'd examine it closely. It told the time and it was strangely bulky. Some parts of the watch, I could feel switches and buttons.

"So, what's this 'multi-purpose' watch supposed to do?" I'd say, giving the watch back to Antoine and crossing my arms.

Antoine would focus on the watch, then press a button. Suddenly, the watch will grow into a small pistol. With 4 buttons and 2 switches.

"Nice! Can I get past security with this watch?" I'd ask, gesturing Antoine to give me the watch. Antoine would put the watch that turned into a gun into my hand and nodded.

"I made it so that the watch can get past any metal detector. The metal is only visible when it's in its gun form." Antoine would explain. He'd then point to a button on the screen of the watch. 

"Press this to change it into gun or watch mode." He'd say.

I'd press the button and it would transform back into that bulky watch. I'd press it again and it turns into a handgun. I'd point to the other four buttons.

"What's thi-" Antoine would cut me off.

"Different modes of weaponry. The first buttons is the knife... the second button activates the tracker bullet, the third button reloads. The fourth one turns it into a bomb." Antoine would explain.

The button that turns into a bomb was highlighted in red. Underneath in small letters, it would say:


"That bomb button," Antoine would continue speaking. "-destroys the watch. About 1 minute is the timer until it explodes if you ever press that button." 

"Nice." I'd say. "What are these two switches for?"

"One of them is for reloading," He'd point to the one at the top of the gun. "-and the other one is for shooting miniature bombs. It doesn't really destroy the gun, it justs destroys whatever you aim it at."

"Got it." I'd say. I'd press the button that switches it back into a watch, and slap it on my wrist. 

"Anything else?" I'd ask, ready to leave.

"Actually, there is something else you need to do." Antoine would say, picking up his clipboard leading me outside. 

"The headquarters need you again."

'Another mission. Great...' I'd think to myself. Antoine would notice me rolling my eyes.

"It's only a solo mission. No 'ignorant partners', you say, to bother you on this one." Antoine would say, walking outside of the room.

My face lit up and I walked out of the room with a smirk on my face, and then turn left. Antoine would wave goodbye, and then I'd enter another trip underground.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2016 ⏰

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