Do i like him?

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Ben's P.O.V

After a great kil. I walked back to the house. And found that Jeff was still asleep. I checked my phone. It was 9:40. Sighing, I walked into the kitchen. Making breakfast. Bacon and waffles. The smell made my mouth water. I sat down and began wafting. "What nothing for me?" I glanced over at Jeff. "You were asleep so I just made it only for me." I smirked taking a bit from my bacon. Jeff eyed the bacon. Sighing I asked him if he wanted some. He nodded with a smile. "Thank Ben." He walked to the living room; turning on the Tv. "What do you wanna watch?" Jeff shouted from the living room." I cooked his bacon and put it on a plate. "Uh....I dunno really." I walked over to Jeff handing him his bacon. "Fuck yes!" He grabbed the bacon. I rolled my eyes and walked up to my room.

I opened my bedroom door. Shutting it quietly behind me. I walked into my bathroom and notice I was covered in blood. I sighed. "Damn." I took off my green hoodie, beanie and my bblack skinny jeans. Leaving me in just my boxers. I threw the clothes into my hamper and turned on the shower. I didn't really quite like water. But I had to get clean some how. I took off my remaining clothes and hopped in.

I got out wrapping a towel around my waist. Putting clean clothes on. After that I ran out of the room back downstairs. Jeff sat on the couch watching 'Jaws'. I sat down next to him. Glancing up at his face. He glanced back. He turned his head and asked me. "What?" I glanced the other way. Blushing. "N-nothing Jeff." Why the hell was I stuttering?! And why am I blushing like an idiot?! Jeff chuckled. His chuckle was kind of cute. No! No it wasn't! He's just a friend. A killing buddy. Partner. I'd never like Jeff in that sort of way. I mean I love Jeff like a friend. Or do I? Stop it brain! Your messing me up! I'm going insane! I mentally yelled in my head. Jeff gave me a confused look. "Ben you ok? You look kinda pale." I nodded. "Yeah I just need to lay down." I put my hand on my forehead. "Here." Jeff grabbed my by the shoulders and set my head on his lap. My face grew hot. But he was warm. Shut up! Don't be a creeper! Stupid god damn brain. Jeff started to stroke my blonde hair. Which calmed me for some reason. What was he doing? Why was he doing this? He never acted like this before. Nether have I. My eyelid grew heavy. This was...kind of soothing. I just wanted to lay here for ever. Never move. I shut my eyes. I heard Jeff mumble something. But I could'nt hear him. So I just let myself fall asleep on his lap. The one question that I kept asking myself was:

"Do I like him?"

You shouldn't have gone to sleep (Jeff the killer x Ben Drowned)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora