Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil

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So this is a three part makeup thing so Im just gonna do one entry for all three despite them being in different times. The far right was taken October 11th, 2015, the middle was taken October 19th, 2015 and the far left was taken November 8th 2015. A funny story about these is in the middle one (see no evil) I really couldn't see, I could only see directly down where if you look close enough you can see the little slit by my eye where I had to see, so when painting that eye I had to take pictures with my phone and look down at my phone to see how it looked. For all of this in total I used:
A Cotten ball
White paint
Pink paint
Yellow paint
Purple paint
Red paint
Orange paint
Green paint
Blue paint
Black paint
Sewing string
Red paint
Spirt gum
Fake blood

My special effects makeup journey Where stories live. Discover now