Beautiful Shadows- Chapter One

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I woke up in a haze. I looked at the clock right beside my bed. My room was so small you could barely fit a full bed in here. I had posters and pictures pasted on my dark blue walls. The soft carpet was black, like ink. 

"Mom? Its Saturday right?" I groaned. My room was so close to hers she could hear whatever I do. 

"Yes dear. Breakfast is ready!" She yelled back in her enthusiastic tone. I rolled off my bed and faced my mirror. I looked at myself. I had a crooked nose. My jet black hair went down to my waist. My mother always told me to cut it, but I never did. I loosely braided it, and went on to put mascara on my big, round, deep blue eyes. I was tall for a 15 year old, but had no curves at all. 

"HONEY! Your waffles are going to get cold!" My mom told me. 

"I'm coming I'm coming..." I walked down the creaky stairs that were directly outside my door. My living room and dining room were crammed together into one room. I sat at the table and reached for my food. 

"Is Ivan up yet?" I asked. Ivan was my 16 year old brother. If he isn't awake, the house is quiet, which I'm thankful for. 

"He went out with friends. He won't be home until tomorrow." replied my mother, too busy putting my plate together to focus on anything else. 

"Already? It’s only like 10:00 a.m. He usually doesn't drag himself out of bed before noon."

"It’s already 3:00 p.m., dear." I looked at my watch. She was right. 

"Why didn't you wake me up? Now I've wasted half my day!" 

"You seemed to be having a nightmare. Waking witches up during nightmares doesn't go to well, if you don't remember 5th grade, and 7th grade, and 8th grade..." 

"I get it mother! I don't even remember having a nightmare." 

"Well, you were tossing and turning quite a lot. I felt it best to leave you alone. Anyways, Auset is coming-"

"Her name is Isis." Her real name was Auset, which was another name for the goddess Isis. She preferred Isis. 

"Isis is coming over. Finish eating and go get dressed." I finished eating quickly and went upstairs to get ready. I pulled on my black skinny jeans and deep blue Beatles T-shirt. I hurried down the stairs and shoved my black boots on my feet. 

"Why are you putting your shoes on? You’re not going outside," Warned my mother. 

You expect us to find something to do in this box we call a house?" 

"Yes, yes I do. It was a full moon last night honey. We don't know what’s still out there-" 

"Isis and I are strong enough to defend ourselves. It’s just walk; we aren't going to go roam the twilight forests." 

"Fine. Just be back by sundown, ok?' said my mother. 

"Ok mother…" As soon as the conversation ended, the doorbell rang, followed by knocking. 

"Bye mom!" I yelled. I ran to the door and shut it behind me immediately.

"Hey Cleo, What’s wrong?" She asked. Isis was prettier than me, a lot prettier than me. She had dark brown hair, golden eyes, tan skin, and actual curves. 

"Nothing. Want to go get ice cream or something?" I asked. We walked to the shopping center that was near my house. The ice cream shop was small, but had the best ice cream in town.

"Vanilla or Chocolate?" Isis asked. 

"French Vanilla." I replied. We got our ice cream and went to the park. It was empty. 

"Hey Cleo? I'm getting a strange feeling here. Feels like spirits." She said. Isis had a strong sense for spirits. 

"I'm not feeling anything. Come on, it'll be just fi-" I started. I was interrupted when the fountain water shot into the air. 

"Yeah Cleo, not feeling anything..." Mumbled Isis. The water continued to form the shape of a woman. Water magic, just our luck. One of the most powerful kinds of magic if used properly, and it looks like she knew how to use it properly. 

"Witch of the curse: CLEO MAYKIS!" I yelled. The way magic works is odd. It is activated by words, but it barely ever listens. With so many types of magic, it would take a 1,000 page novel to explain (this 1,000 page novel is actually available to most magic users.) So, let’s focus on witches for now. Witches have different forms; Animal forms being the base. Every witch has an animal form, mine being black cats. Animal forms are typically weak. Everything else usually has to do with the witch herself. Where you’re born, how hot it was, what your favorite weather, your attitude, it all plays into your set of magical powers. Why I'm associated with curses is something I might never figure out. 

"Witch of the sun: ISIS!" Yelled Isis. Her outfit and makeup immediately changed. Her dress was long and flowing and yellow. Her hair was in a tight bun and tied with a sunflower. 

"Ha! You weaklings think you can defeat me? THE GREAT SPIRIT OF THE-" Started the water lady. 

"You’re the great spirit of the Park Fountain? I'm shivering with fear." I said, rolling my eyes. 

"Let’s get this over with, shall we?' Asked Isis. 

"Yes, we shall." I winked. "CURSE OF FIRE!" I yelled. A round circle formed above the water fountain spirits head. A beam shot from the sky. She yelled in pain as the fire surrounded her body, and stayed there. 

"Want me to finish this off?" 

"Sure, it won’t take long anyways.” I replied.

"BEAM OF THE LIGHT!" She yelled. A ray hit the lady, and the water slowly evaporated into the sky. Our magic forms slowly disappeared. We were back into our normal clothes. 

"Hmm, well that was quick. I guess we were battling a water fountain." I said, panting. Even though it was a short fight, curses like that can take a lot of energy.

"Yeah. I got to go home though; my mom’s going to be worried. See you later!" 

"Bye Isis!" I walked home. I realized it would probably be dark by the time I got home, the park was far away. "Great, now I'm going to get yelled at too." I mumbled. I thought a bit, why WOULD the spirit attack us? Even if it had just taken over the water, it would have to have some motive to attack 2 random witches. I remembered the events from the night before. Did that have something to do with this? Hm... Something whipped past my head. 

"What? Huh, thats strange," I said quietly. I turned around. I didn't seem to have a shadow. "What’s with all this strange stuff...?" A shadow is more than a shadow in the magic world. They think, they conspire, and occasionally, they leave. "But why would...?" 

"I warned you..." I heard that awful voice again. But this time, it seemed to move with the wind. I, for the second time, ran all the way home. Should I tell my mom? Who should I tell? My teacher? Isis? Isis seemed like the best bet. She was the first I told when something was wrong. But this seemed awfully wrong. There is no certainty with magic. There is no certainty with shadows, why they leave us, where they go. Only a select few would know what happens. Sadly, one of those select few, in fact the only one I know, hates me. I'm not sure which is worse, the person, or THING, that’s following me, or the fact that I have to talk to Lucas for help. 

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