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February 7 1982

It's finally my birthday. HOLY SHIT. I'm nervous, but I'm sure as hell escaping. I've got everything planned out. Got my bus ticket, a hundred bucks which I stole from my dad, and clothes.

   Typically the only things I need to survive. Right now, it's around midnight and I'm just up trying to figure out what I'm gonna do when I get there. What if I get raped? Oh hell, never thought of that. Well, at least I'll have my trusty switchblade.

  Hm. I never told my sister that I was leaving. But she's a bitch, I know that she'll tell my Dad that I'd be leaving if she ever found out. And I've been taking shit from her for years. Better off just leaving her in the dark. It pretty much seemed like everyone was asleep, so I sneaked out the window.

   I have just one thing to take care of. Someone who's name starts with an "A" and ends with an "l". Yup, Axl. I didn't tell him that I'm leaving yet, and I don't plan to. He's gonna try to convince me to stay. And I know that I'll give in to him. There's just something about him that just gets to me. Well, my bus leaves at 3, so I have about 3 hours to spend with him. Perfect.

   I walked towards his house, but the lights didn't look on.

   "Please be up." , I told to myself. I leaned against a tree for a while, just waiting for him. Dammit. Looks like he's not up. I started my back to my house and suddenly felt someone cover my eyes.

   "Guess who." The voice said. Ha, I knew who it was. Axl obviously.  I took his soft hand off my eyes and turned towards him, making out a small smile.

   "Happy Birthday Skye." Axl handed a small gift wrapped in an old newspaper.

   "Aw, that's so sweet Axl. But you really didn't have to get me anything." I looked into his mesmerizing blue-green eyes and smiled. He made a gesture with his head for me to open it, so I did. I unwrapped the newspaper and it revealed a tiny box.  I opened the box and found a beautiful rosary.

   It was was made of black beads, and the cross was encrusted with tiny little diamonds.

   "Holy fuck, Axl! How did you get this? It must be worth at least a few hundred bucks!" He looked at me and made a tiny smile.

   "Well, let's just stay I had a few connections." I put the cross on and admired it.

   "Well however you got it, it's still frickin' beautiful." He looked into my eyes seductively and caressed my face. He slowly leaned in and he kissed me. This was my first kiss... He pushed me up against a tree and kissed more passionately.  As I got more into, I realized what I was doing. No... I can't.

   I rolled off the tree and Axl got knocked into the tree.

   "Skye, what the hell?" He wiped off his lips, which I can imagine tasted like tree right now.

   "Axl.. I'm sorry. I can't do this." I ran towards my house and grabbed my bag. This is it, I can't stay here. I can't stay here for Axl. I had to leave. I arrived at the bus station at about 2:10. Oh great, gotta wait 50 minutes.

   I sat on a bench and had waited the longest 50 minutes that I could've imagined. When the bus arrived, I rushed on over and paid the driver quickly to move myself all the way to the back of the bus. I sat by a window, and stared at my surroundings outside.

   Ok, I can do this. You're doing this Skye. You're gonna have a new life. You can make it on your own. I leaned my head against the window and slowly drifted to sleep.

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