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Hamilton and his friends sat at a table, drinking and being merry. Each had a mug in their hands and a smile on their face as they exchanged stories and dirty jokes. Lafayette was doubled over the table, laying his head over his arms. He raised himself up and tried speaking through his laughter. "Ah man, I've got a good one!"

"Let's hear it then!" Mulligan cried out, arm slung over John's shoulder for support.

"Alright! Alright! A gentleman being in company with some ladies, who talkd' very amorously, felt an odd sort of motion in his breeches: So he whisper'd one of the ladies in the ear, and told her that his fusee was cock'd. It is so, says she; then you may fire at me if you please; I'll stand ye, I am not afraid of your Flints, altho' there be two of them."

All four men burst out laughing, tears rolling down their faces. Alexander wiped his eyes dry, "Boy, Laugh-a-yette will make you laugh-a-lot." The laughter died down and Lafayette let out a slow whistle. "Woooow Hamilton. That was a really bad pun."

"I have to agree with you there Laf," Laurens joined in the teasing. "There's only so far for someone to stretch something into a pun before it isn't funny." Hamilton folded his arms, shrinking into himself a little bit. "I thought it was pretty good..."

"Don't look so hurt Alex," Mulligan said, "Some people just aren't funny." Alexander pouted a bit, "I thought you guys loved my humor."

"We do," John assured him, "Just not this time." Hamilton just stared at his friends, "Well I must be extremely unfunny if I can't even get your drunk asses laughing," he spat out, a bit upset with his friends. Lafayette felt sympathy for him and scooted a bit closer. "Chin up, Alexander!" Hamilton jerked away from the hand inching towards his neck. "Don't!" Lafayette smirked, "Why? Didn't you just say that I'd 'make you laugh-a-lot'?" Hamilton let out a strangled, "No!"

"No?" Lafayette inquired, "I could've sworn you did." And with that, he skittered his fingers over his neck, eliciting high pitched giggles from the smaller man. "Well whether you said it or not, I am making you laugh a lot. Wouldn't you agree?" he addressed the other two in the room. "Oh yes, I most definitely agree," Laurens piped in. "You suhuhuck!" Alexander said through his laughter. Lafayette let out a loud, exaggerated, gasp.

"Excusez-moi?" His fingers flew over his body, taking him apart with each flick of his hand. "Clearly I misheard you, for you're much too smart to say that I suck, for you know the consequences." He stopped in his tickling, leaning forward, voice lowering menacingly. "Or maybe that was your plan the whole time, is it not?" Lafayette's words seemed to be effective in making Hamilton more flustered than ever and even increasing his sensitivity.

"Why don't you answer? Usually you speak at any given opportunity. What's the matter; cat got your tongue?" His fingers moved slowly and lightly flickered over the other's skin making him squirm in his seat, giggles flowing over his lips. Suddenly and without warning, he dug his fingers into his stomach, and Hamilton began to laugh loudly, limbs flailing around uselessly.

"We both know you could defend yourself better than this. Ou peut-être que vous ne voulez pas." He brought his hand up to scratch behind his ear causing him to shriek, "N-nohohoho! Nohohohot there!" Lafayette tilted his head to the side, "If not there, then where? Here?" He ran his fingers over his neck and collarbone, and Hamilton tried to scrunch his neck up to protect himself. "Here?" He wiggled his fingers into the slight muscle on his stomach. "Or here?" He squeezed the area surrounding his knee and Alexander practically screamed, knees shooting forward in a jerking motion. "Enouhuhuhugh! Enough!" he pleaded and Lafayette backed away.

John patted his back while Hercules offered him a drink, which he gratefully accepted. "Too far?" Lafayette asked, a bit concerned for his friend. Hamilton playfully glared at him, unable to fight a smile off his face. "What do you think?"

Lafayette cracked a smile of his own, seeing he was okay. "Naaaaah, you're fine." Hamilton rolled his eyes, knowing he was right. "But we do love your humor, it's just sometimes the only one who gets the joke is you."

"Well I'll just have to make even more jokes," Hamilton justified. Laurens grabbed him, wrapping an arm around his neck and scrubbing his knuckles into his hair. "Then we'll all just have to help Laf next time!" he exclaimed, and Hamilton's laughter rang out for the second time that night.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2016 ⏰

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