Chapter 2: Hello, again!

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Kathryn's p.o.v
It's already 8 and I look like crap!
"Kathrini! Are you coming? Or are you gonna wallow here all night thinking about prince charming?!" My best friend Liv hollered up the stairs.
If only she knew!
"LIV! Not everyone is as gorgeous as you, it takes us mere mortals a decade to look half as amazing as you!" I moan back
" DARNLEY! You are a beautiful person with a gorgeous face that could bring the monarchy to bits knees, so please hurry up!"she replies
"Ok... Ok..." I mumble walking down the stairs. At the bottom I look in the hall mirror to see if a look presentable.
Wow. I am proud. Instead of a small girl that cocoons herself in jumpers in the reflection I see a confident woman wearing a beautiful black mini dress with beautiful lace patterning at the waist and mid thigh.
" Ok I appreciate you look stunning now let's go" Liv grabs my wrist and pulls me through the front door. No turning back.
At the club
We are surrounded by a group our, mainly Liv's, friends.
"KATHY!It's your round!"
I hear a chorus of cheers around me
In not drinking, mainly because me plus alcohol equals embarrassment, vomiting and a monumental headache!
I walk to the bar, dodging avid dancers and loved up couples, looking at my phone I notice that it's almost twelve, and we have to be up for speeches the next day. I decide to order myself one last drink.
"What would you like Kath?" A man I recognise as John asks,
"Errrrrrm, a Bacardi and coke please mate"I shout my response, thumping music lying heavy in the air,
"Make that two" An all too familiar voice pipes up from beside me,
" Kathryn, you've no idea how glad I am to see you again!"
Time seemed to stand still, the deafening music now subdued,
"Harry! Hey didn't expect to see you here..."
"Are you pleasantly surprised? Tell me honestly, too many people lie to me" He replies, I'm forced to think completely seriously,
Despite my intoxication I manage to get a clear and definite answer in my head,
"Yes, I am extremely glad to see you. I'm just surprised, this isn't what I would think of as a prince's usual stomping ground!" We both look at each other seriously for a moment then burst out laughing,
"Miss Darnley you are a delight! Care for a dance?" He looks me dead in the eye, a chill runs down my spine. I would love to dance, but I then remember my inebriated friend hanging onto the pillar on the opposite side of the dance floor,
"Harry, I would love to, but we have speeches tomorrow and I have a completely pissed friend on the opposite side of the room so, I really must be off!" I babble,
" If you must go, but take my number! I would really like, no, I would love to see you again!" The words tumble out of his mouth and before I can register anything I realise he is holding my hand,
"Harry, I would love that too", I say giving his hand a squeeze," I take his offered phone number and with a wry smile and a small wave I turn my back, it takes all my strength not to turn back around, and walk to seek out Liv.
As I walk away I feel a pair of intense green eyes bore into my back.
My crush just got a million times worse!
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