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Isn't it kinda funny 

That through all the story 

The sun is still shining 


And even though it's cloudy 

And the weather's kinda gloomy

And you never even knew me 

It still hurts right?

I mean, after all the flowers 

They died in merely hours 

Unlike something dark that lingers 

You're scared right? 

You see, we see the same columns

We fight the same problems 

And we don't know how to solve 'em

It feels hopeless right?

But then you start to listen

To a voice in the distance 

Telling you to not do this 

You listened right? 

Slowly it becomes louder 

As it comes nearer 

And the good becomes clearer 

You feel better right? 

Soon the darkness isn't as strong 

And the good not so wrong  

And the bad far gone 

And you're happy right?

Isn't it funny 

That through all the story 

The sun is still shining 


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