chapter 6

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Let's go with bubbles and boomer
Bubbles hugged boomer. "Thank you so much boomer!" Bubbles smiled. Boomer looked at bubbles "u-uh no problem." Boomer hugged her back. After lunch boomer and bubbles were walking in till bubbles boyfriend Nate pooped out and hugged bubbles from behind. "Heh hey Nate." Bubbles blushed. Boomer looked kinda angry "w-whos this bubbles?" Boomer asked nicely. Nate glared at boomer "I'm her boyfriend so back off she's mine!" Nate growled at boomer. "O-oh.." Boomer said and looked at the ground trying to fight back the tears and ran away without saying goodbye to bubbles. Boomer then ditched school and left home and slammed his door and layed in bed "a-and I was so close to ask bubbles-." Boomer paused and began to cry.
Poor boomer! Don't worry he will get her back now let's go with buttercup and butch.
After school
Buttercup got her things out of her locker in till Butch saw Buttercup he ran to her. "Hey busy." Butch smiled at her "Huh? Hi butch and really busy?" Bc asked butch a bit annoyed. "Hehhe Its your nick name cuz bc sounds like busy." Butch chuckled a bit. "Oh I get it!" Buttercup chuckled. "Hey um busy.." Butch stared I to buttercups lime green eyes he blushed. Buttercup stared at his dark green eyes and blushed as well. "Yeah.." Buttercup respond back to him. "Can I walk you home?" Butch asked. In buttercups mind "what the hell?! Since when does a rrb is nice?!" Buttercup just stared at butch and finally nooded at him. While we left and walked out butch kept on staring at buttercup. "Butch why do you keep on starring at me?!" Buttercup asked. "Look I stare at you be-." As butch was trying to finshes his sentence in till Mitch barge in "hey bc!" Mitch said butch just gave a glare at mitch. "Heyo what's up?" Buttercup asked mitch. "Hey um kid! Can you give us a minute you dork!" Mitch told Butch in a rude way. "Grr! I don't think so!" Butch said angry and threw a punch at mitch.
Heyo I just finished with chapter 7,8, and 9 so go check it out

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