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Time for the tour in america! And rins birthday!

After a long plane ride of me trying not to flip out, we made it to america. I told mia that there will be a 16 hour time difference so she knows when to text and when not to. I saw that america wasnt like japan. Everyone that were in school didnt have uniforms. Just outfits people would wear on a weekend or on a break. After we exited the airport, a few girls crowded us and asked for autographs. I guess that there are a few american fans. And because of them i was pushed to the back of the crowd like i was another person. I tried to push through to get to them so we wouldnt get seporated but three girls pushed me back. "Wait your turn would ya?"
"Hey! Its kinda rude to push. Now let me get back to my brothers." After a glare and a whatever all the girls left and we began to walk to where we would be spending the night. I was tired.
After a few minutes of walking around, pokota let me ride on his back. I thanked him and fell asleep and when i woke up, dasoku and mi-chan we beside me still asleep and when i saw the other bed, kettaro, pokota and koma'n were still passed out too. Why am i always the first one to wake up? I then decided to go back to sleep.
When i woke up again, i had gotren a text from mia saying happy birthday to me. I thanked her and decided to wake the boys now. I climbed over mi-chan and got two cups of water and i splashed mi-chan and dasoku with one and when they shot up, i splashed the others and they shot up.
"Get up, get dressed, time to get to the concert. You wouldnt want to be late for your own performance." I said and they then rushed to get ready.
By the time we were out the door, mi-chan was still trying to put his shoe on. We then made our way to seattles convention center and wr cntinued to walk untill we found a room that was like a room for concerts. The gaurd at the door stopped me. "Where is your ticket?" He demanded. I then pulled the pass from my pocket and showed it to him. "I said ticket." Kettaro saw and drapped himself over me.
"This is her ticket. Me amd the others gave it to her."
"Its valid only for japan. Not america." He then pulled one out of his pocket that had english writing on it and gave it to me.
"Better?" The gaurd didnt seem hapoy but still let me in. "Thats why i hate american gaurds." Kettaro told me. I nodded and found a spot to stand and he found the others and soon they were introduced.
"And here they are! The five guys youve been waiting for! Root5! Now koma'n, what songs will you be performing for us today?" The lady asked.
"Well, we're gonna be performing ten faced, kimi no mirai, and our favourite, merry go round." He answered with a smile. After that the lady left the stage and they got into possitions and the music for ten faced began.
When the concert ended, the lady began to ask a bunch of question.
"Boys, i heard that you have a special friend. Is that true? And if so, is that friend here?" Was the first question.
"Yes and yes." Dasoku said and mi-chan looked at me with a smile.
"Heres another question, one thats probably on everyones mind right now, who is the one that you five consider special?"
"Rin. Shes in the croud right now."
After a bunch of pointless questions and a lot of pictures, posters, and other things signed, we left to get out stuff from the hotel and we left for the airport and we left for LA.
When we got there, i got a text from mia and it read happy birthday! Thats right. It was my birthday and im now 17. Today was my first birthday in america and i then told them. "I just remembered.
J ?  Kk  my birthday today." I said and then kettaro and koma'n lifted me up and had me sit on their sholders.
"Happy birthday rin!" They daid together.
"Thanks guys." I said and we continued on our way to where the guys would be performing next like this. They then let me down and then we went in.
When i found a spot, i saw that it wasnt quite time for them to perform and i decided to video chat with mia. "Hey rin! Hows it being 17 so far?"
"Pretty good and its almost time for the guys to perform. And they are gonna be performing all of their songs plus a new one that they came up with a while ago. They didnt let even me listen to it yet."
"Wow, realy?"
"Yes realy! And- hey its time for thembto perform!" I turned the phone to the stage and the guys were ready to perform love hunter.
Time skip cause i have something thats called laziness and this is brought to you by.... SENBONZAKURA*!
After the concert, we headed to a hotel to spend the night at since it was dark out. I told mia that i would call her again when we are at the hotel and are in a room.
When we got into our room, dasoku took his shirt off and fell asleep in one bed alomg with kettaro and i ended up sleeping between them. I then remembered that i needed to video chat with mia again. I pressed the button and when she answered she asked why i was laying between kettaro and dasoku. "Isnt it a bit weird?"
"Nope. They are my brothers now you know. So no, its not weird." Dasoku then grabbed my phone and put it out of my reach.
"She will call back in the morning when we're all not trying to sleep." He mumbled and ended the chat and put it on the bedside table between the two beds. I pouted a bit before going to sleep.
When i woke up, kettaro was basically taking over the bed. He had one of his legs over mine and on one of dasokus, his other leg hanging off the bed while an arm was across my chest, just above my boobs and on dasokus sholder a bit while his other arm was over his own stomach. Dasoku was against the wall with me trying to be comfortable in the situation. I desided to be a bit mean and nudged kettaro off the bed and even when he was on the ground he only stired. I gaped at him for a second and then woke him up. He was confused on why he was on the ground and then glared at me, pullrd me off the bed, got on top of me and then tickled me. I guess that woke up the others since soon kettaro was pulled off of me and i was free from him tickling me. "Why did you tickle her?" Mi-chan asked.
"She kicked me off the bed so i decided to do something to punish her." He said as he got out of mi-chans grip. And thats when dasokus phone rung. We only heard his end of the conversation.
"Good news guys. That was our manager and he said we can go home early!" And then there was a video call request and dasoku answered it.
"Let me see who you five let join you on your tour." Said a male voice. He turned the phone and he greeted me.
"Nice to meet you Motojime-san(i dont know what there managers name is so i basically said Mr. Manager). Im rin."
"Same. Remember this rin, next time you want to join the boys on a tour, you ask me and not them."
"I didnt ask them, they asked me."
"Boys!" Im now holding dasokus phone while they lined up. "Next time i see an interveiw with someone i dont even recalling letting join even the tour, do you know what will happen?!"
"Yes sir!"
"Good. Now dont do that again unless you want it to happen."
"What happen?" I asked.
"Last time they did something they werent supposed to do, they had to where their cat ears and paws along with tails and had collers on with their names on them attached to a leash and had to a-" and dasoku ended the call and he laughed a bit nervously. The others looked relieved.
"What was he gonna say?"
"Something we will never forget that he likes to bring uo whenever we do something we arent supposed to do." They said in sync. I clapped at the sync and asked what they did.
"Koma'n talked us into a plan that he thought would be best to get our manager back for the last punishment he gave out by painting cat whiskers on his face and i still dont get why!" Kettaro aimed the last bit at koma'n and we all looked at him. I approached him and poked him in the forhead.
"Your strange." I said pointing out the obvious. We then got our stuff and made our way to the airport and when we got on, i started to freak out a bit. They tried to get me to stop but it didnt help at all. They had to drag me on and into my seat and then when i still wasnt calm when we were high in the air, pokota sighed in annoyance and pulled me into his lap. "Just until you calm down." He said and i nodded and thats where i was until the plane was about to land and thats when i had to go back to my own seat and fasten my seatbelt.

How I Became Root Fives SisterWhere stories live. Discover now