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Andy P.O.V

Everything around me was a lot clearer. I was hungry for good but not that good blood. I forgot what happened but I got up straight away and looked around and saw harry and ariana with blood on there chins. They never?

" it's okay " Harry said and tried to comfort me.

" where's Sarah " I asked and looked over to ariana.

" there " she said and pointed to Sarah walking out.

" Andy " she said and came over an kissed me.

It was getting heated we tongue was in mine and she was moaning I wasn't angry with Harry and ariana they done the right thing. If we died they made a come back alive accept dead.

Ariana P.O.V

While Andy and Sarah where kissing me and Harry turned our back.

" do you think there finished " Harry said to me.

I turned around there still eating each others faces

" Nope " I said popping the p.

" come one love bird we have to get Niall and the rest " Harry said and turned around.

" because use are stronger you will be able to hear them and smell them from a far so come in move it " I said and walked towards them they took the lead.

We followed them they where holding hands there where cute together. I was getting worried what happens if they have killed him and the rest?

" they haven't love they will wait till where here " Harry said and wrapped his arm around me.

" positive " I said an he looked at me am nodded his head.

" good cause when I see them am going to tear her head off and stamp on it and suck her dry and burn her and spit on her " I said through my teeth harry laughed at me.

Me and Harry where talking about the past and the future he said that me and niall would probably get married and have kids. He said I would get to see my mum more now. I would get to go in tour with them. My powers would come into place. We where stopped by barging into Andy and Sarah. I was about to talk until they put there hands up and whispers a few stuff to each other and there breathing got heavier what wasn't a good sign. They both looked at eachother and ran Vampire speed we did the same and followed them. Until we saw a fire and sobbing. We stopped. I smelt Niall. He was tied up with the rest. He wasn't even crying he was pissed and am surprised he never broke out of there ropes. We had came up with a plan.

I was set to kill the bitch and I was going to.

Harry was going to set them free.

Andy and Sarah where going to take the wanted because they're stronger than them all together.

Nialls P.O.V

I was tied up my hands where around t back and my feet where tied together. They where bad mouthing Ariana it was making me crazy.

" Use don't know her so don't talk about her " I spat to them but they laughed.

" You don't know her " Tom spat back at me. He was right I don't know her.

" I love her " I said " you don't know what love is mate your dead " Tom said to me.

" anyway she's probably sleeping with Harry " Sarah said and came over and kissed Tom.

" she would never do a thing " I said through my teeth.

" we'll last time they where seen where in your room " she said and winked thinking about that made me sick.

" your lying " I said and refused to believe her.

" trust me babe am not " she said and kissed my cheek.

I moved my face away. I don't know Ariana I basically forced her to fall in love with me. The fact her and Harry together was in my head and I never liked it. My bestfriend and girlfriend.

I looked down to the ground and memories flashed back.

How I left my mum and dad for Xfactor. Got through. Met 4 amazing boys.

Tours, fans, party's, getting turned.


While I said her name in my head I smiled. My head was brought up with seeing Liam, Louis, Zayn, Perrie Elenour, Soohia on there knees.

Where was Harry and Ariana? Andy and Sarah.

They tied them up in the same positions as me and tutored them as we'll.

Until I head whispering and drew my attension to the bush.


Wow nearly at 200 reads!!:D and nearly at 20 Votes!! thanks so much means alot. Best readers in the world!

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