Date night.

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{BLU Medics POV}
I've been rummaging around my closet for the perfect tux to wear, I've tried asking Archimedies to help but he of course fell asleep on my bed in the middle of my dilemma. "Zhank you Archimedies for zhe help." I said coldly. "Should I even vear a tux, or should I vear somezhing more casual?" I said to myself out load, I got no answer to my question but instead I got silence. The only sounds heard were the hangers clanking against each other and my doves slight cooing. I sigh and sit down on my bed, my index fingers rubbing my forehead and my thumbs rubbing my temples of the frustration I was having. "I should go und ask him....ja zhat vould make it much simpler." I smiled at my idea, jumping out of my window onto the ground outside. The wind was soft but deathly cold as I walked over to the REDs base, it was very hard to see, my only light source was the moon. It's light guiding me to the place I needed to go, once I got close enough to the RED Snipers van I knocked softly on the door, my arms wrapped around me to keep me warm. I waited for a small while when I finally heard the door open, Sniper stood there in his regular clothing but his vest was missing his hair was slicked back, his regular yellow tainted sunglasses were missing also along with his fingerless glove. "Oh hello Doc, is that what you're wearing on our date?" I blushed and pouted, "N-nein, I came down here to ask if I should vear somezhing formal or casual for our d-date." The blush I had was slowly becoming hotter when I heard him start to chuckle. "Nah mate, just wear something casual loik me. Here come inside oi'll help ya." I nodded and walked into his van, surprisingly it was quite big from the inside. "Alright let's start with taking off that lab coat." I felt his hands grab the collar of my coat pull it off my shoulders. I shivered and rubbed my hands up and down my arms to produce warmth. "Ya cold there mate?" I nodded, but before he could do anything I relized that I was wearing a long sleeved shirt. I unbuttoned the sleeve and rolled them down to my wrists, buttoning then again. I had my regular blue vest over a white dress shirt, black dress pants and black combat boots underneath them. "Better?" I asked, he just stood there staring at me, I began to feel self-conscious and started to look around the inside of the van. "You look lovely mate." I looked back over to him, a hot smirk spread across his face. "You don't look half bad yourself Herr Sniper." I smiled and pointed at his attire, he wore a plain red long sleeved dress shirt, black jeans and his normal boots that had been polished and shined. "But zhere ist vone zhing missing." I walk over to his hat and took it off of his bed, "You vould look better vith zhis on." He grabs the hat and puts it a top his head, "What do ya think?" I could only think of one thing to do to answer his question....I kissed him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pressed his lips closer to mine, I felt his arms wrap around my waist pushing our bodies closer till nothing left a gap. Once we had separated for air he went to the front of his van and started the engine, I had followed him and sat in the passengers seat buckling my seatbelt. We turned our heads to look at one another and smiled, then we drove off into the night to start our date.

{Time skip by Human Archimedes} 

{RED Snipers POV}
As I was driving me and Medic into town we had started small talk, talking about things we do in out free time, hobbies, interests etc. Every once in a while I would take one hand off the wheel and lay it on his thigh making him blush the cutest shade of red. The whole drive to the restaurant I could not stop replaying the moment of when he accepted my invitation to go out with me. It kept replaying over and over in my mind, like a jukebox on replay. I smiled as I saw my destination coming up, I turn to Medic. "Hey doc, we're almost there." He seemed to be a little nervous, I looked down slightly to see  that he was fiddling with the hem of his shirt and he was sweating slightly. I grabbed one of his hands and intertwined out fingers together. "Ya nervous doc?" He nodded and tightened his grip on my hand making me smile, "Don't be love, everything is gonna be foin."  He sighed and smiled as he turned his head to look at me. "Zank jou herr Sniper, ich am okay now." I smirked at him and nodded, "Alright then." We finally made it to the restaurant, I heard a small gasp of surprise from Medic, I turned my head to look at him as I parked the van close by the restaurant and a chuckle involuntarily comes my mouth. He turned his head to look at me a huge smile on his face. "Sniper how dis jou know, zis ist mein favorite place to eat." I chuckle and shake my head, a man never reveals his secrets to his love. Now come on, we dont have all niot." I get out of the drivers seat and quickly slide across my hood and stand in front of Medics door opening it for him with my hand out. "Moi lady." I winked as he stepped out of the car.

{Time skip by Medics sweet looking ass}

{ 3rd person POV}

Medic and Sniper had walked into the restaurant hand in hand, the inside was a beautiful crimson red color with golden trims along the dark blue carpet, dark wooden chairs and tables were lined across the walls along with booths with velvet cushioning, painting of all kinds lined against the walls, plants of different varieties sat in the middle of the restaurant tables surrounding them. Beautiful chandlers hung from the ceiling where you could see  marble statue angels look down on the customers as they eat. Medic smiled up at Sniper who returned the gesture, Sniper had turned his head and told the man at the counter his last name and that he had a reservation, the man looked through his reservation book and nodded marking out his name with a black ink pen. He presses a small button and instantly a waitress walks out from behind him and smiles at the two men. She was slightly shorter than Medic with wavy dark brown hair that surpassed her shoulder tied up into a neat ponytail, her eyes a glowing light pink and a smile that lighted up the room. She had a name tag that read "Alice" in bolded black letters, she wore a white dress shirt with a black vest with golden buttons with the restaurants initials in cursive, a short black skirt and flats finished off her look. "Table or booth sir?" Her british accent awoken them from their staring, Snipers looks over at his date asking what he would like to do, medic just shrugged his shoulders seeming indifferent about both so they decided to sit at a table at the outside seating section at the back of the restaurant where they could converse in peace. The waitress nods and leads them to their seats and sets down the menus, she waits for them to take their seats and asked them if they would like some wine. "iol take a bottle of your foinest woin please." Medic looks at him in awe as the waitress nods and leaves to go grab the bottle. "S-Sniper are joi sure jou should buy zat? Ze vine here ist super expensive." Sniper smiled and shook his head, "Doc it's all roight, as long as your happy oi would spend all the money in the world to see you smoil, no matter how expensive it is." Medic felt overwhelmed with emotion hearing Sniper say such heartfelt words towards him, he felt as if though he should repay him, but how? Ideas started to pop into his head one in particular stinging into the back of his mind making him blush dark red. His thoughts were interrupted as the waitress came back with a dark red bottle with a light blue ribbon. She showed the bottle to Sniper and he nodded in pleasure at the choice she had made, she grabbed both the mans wine cups and places them in front of herself, reaching into the pocket of her waist apron she pulls out a cork screw and hands it to medic. "Would you like to do the honors sir?" Medic smiled shyly and looked over at Sniper who nodded, he took a deep breath and opened up the wine bottle with a loud 'POP'. Medic smiled happily and handed the cork screw back to the waitress who but it back in the apron pocket for later use. Both men held up their wine glasses as she filled them both half full, she set the bottle in a small bucket with ice keeping the beverage cold. "I'll come back momentarily so you can look through the menu." She then leaves to go assist another couple on the other side of the restaurant. Both men look at each other and smile happily, "To us herr Sniper, und to our future." The Medic smiles as he held his glass up high, Sniper smirked and did the same. "And to a long loif of love and luxury to us both Doc." Medic blushed a light pink as he gently tapped his glass with his dates, they sip their wine in peace as they look through the menus.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2017 ⏰

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