Coming Out

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This is just a one shot about Jackson coming out to Danny and the. They get together basically.


Jackson was sitting in his room, staring at his phone. He wanted to tell someone and he knew who he wanted to tell, but he just couldn't.

"Come on Jackson, it's not that hard, just tell him." Jackson mumbled to himself. He picked up his phone, unlocked it and went to his contacts before tapping on the person he wanted.
  'Hey, can you come over I need to talk to you.'  He sent and waited for the quick response of 'sure'

It wasn't that long of a drive over here, but it felt like eternity had passed before he heard the door open and his name being called.

"In my room" Jackson yelled out as he heard footsteps walk up the stairs.

  "So I'm here. What did you want to talk about?" His best friend Danny asked and sat next to him in the bed.

  "Uhm, this is hard to say, but I'm gay." Jackson said, trying not to just blurt it out.
  When Danny heard that he was surprised, like really surprised. But he knew Jackson needed his best friend righy now, so he leaned over and hugged him. Jackson hugged Danny back tightly and tried to not to cry.

  "I'm proud of you Jackson." Danny said quietly into Jackson's ear.

  "There's one more thing. I love you, more then a brother." Jackson said.

  Danny pulled away and looked at Jackson in the eyes before he leaned back in, kissing him softly.

  "I love you too, Jackson." Danny smiled and kissed him again.

They started dating after that and all their friends acepted them. Even Lydia, who just smirked and said I'm proud of you.

Done! I hope you enjoyed it!

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