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"ugh school was hard today donna, my science teacher is making me do this stupid project which I'm sure I'm going to fail. again. she should know by now that the only thing I'm capable of doing in that class is letting things explode. can I have the strawberry frosted donut and a small caffeine free coffee 'cuz I want to sleep this day of as soon as I get home."

the chubby woman behind the counter of my favorite place stared at me with a strange expression "do I know you?"she asked.

I felt my jaw drop in shock.

"donna I come here every day!!!"I exclaimed while I tried to catch my breath.

"we talk every day donna! you are my second favorite person in the entire world!"

the woman before me rolled her eyes. Geesh way to be rude. no more tips for her!

donna turned around to get me my donut and coffee. I don't think she's my second favorite person anymore. that place is for francine, my house plant, now. in your face donna!! you've been replaced by a fluffin'plant.

donna came back to hand me my coffee and donut. my face lighted up when I saw the most beautiful thing in the world, the strawberry frosted donut!!!

I tried to turn around while I grabbed my coffee and donut , but donna's harsh voice stopped me. " hey you! wait you still need to pay" I turned around and pouted.

"aah donna, I thought it would be free for your number 1 customer on her hard day, I could even trow francine away and give you your second place back if you want, how about that? it seems like a fair deal to me."

donna glared at me " pay up chica" she said, while she muttered something under her breath what sounded like:"kids these days"

with a dissapointed face I handed her the money.


after a while I've found a quiet table at the corner of the store. I grabbed my ear buds and the song almost there from the princess and the frog started to play . I took a sip from my boiling hot coffee. "oww hot hot hot" i said while I tried to cool my now burning tongue down .

the doorbell ringed and a dark tall figure walked into the store. he seemed so out of place here . while he was dressed in dark, everything else here is decorated in pastel purple with a hint of pink. while he looked angry everything else here looked happy. well except for donna, but no surprise there.

my eyes widened when I realizd the person was walking up to my table. I was strarting to have an anxiety attack because I'm not that social. The only friends I have are donna and francine, if you can count them as friends.

meanwhile the guy has reached my table. and before I could register what was happening he grabbed my donut and took a bite out off it.

I stared at him, but then it hit me. he took a bite out off my donut. he. took. a. bite. out. off. my. donut! HE FLIPPEN' TOOK A BITE OUT OFF MY DONUT!!!!! " hey that's mine. who the fluf do you think you are to take a bite out off my donut like that!" my anxiety is replaced now with pure anger towards this guy. I gave him my deathliest glare. '

"it's not yours anymore" the guy said simply, with a look on his face as if he was the king of everything and as if he doesn't care that he had just comitted the biggest crime in the world. ooww I want to slap the smug look off of his face so badly!

"I was going to eat that, I needed it after my hard day"I pouted

he laughed coldly "like a popular airhead like you can have a hard day, gurl phuleasee, I bet my day was ten times harder than yours"

that insult stung, why do people Always think I'm popular or an airhead just because I'm blonde? way to stereotype people. at least I don't Judge a book by it's cover.

just when I thought I couldn't hate the guy more, he proved me wrong. the words he spoke next were the worst words I've ever heard, and I have heard awful things. and this is people why I hate jaison black.

the words he said were:" this donut isn't even worth it, it taste like sh*t"

jaison is going to regret he ever said those words.

mess with me? that's one thing. but mess with my precious babies, my favorite donuts? oow boy you've got a lot coming to you. because no one messes with my donuts. no one.

Hey everyone!!! I hope you all enjoyed the first chapter from my first book!!! Don't be to harsh on my english because it isn't my first language, I try okay. So if you see any mistakes Point them out nicely. Thank you all for reading this!! (dedicated to sunnybooks2016 for making my awesome cover, dankje famke je bent de beste!!!)

Stay awesome !!!!!

Kisses ,

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