Chapter 8

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Chaptet 8

Angelina's pov

Once I was done with my shower I came out to find Elijah was gone.

That was weird because he had planned on staying and watching a movie.

I looked for my parents, and found a note from my dad saying him and my mom went out for a bit.

My brother was staying at a friends so I guess I was all alone.

I checked to make sure all the doors were locked then went back up to my room.

I guess now was as good of time as any to see what was in the box.

I looked under my bed, but I didn't see it anywhere.

Did Elijah find it, and that's why he left?

My phone went off so I picked it up thinking it was Elijah.

"Hey baby where the heck are you?"

"Um I'm at home this is Aj I was wondering if Elijah was there?"

"Oh sorry I thought you were Elijah. No he's not here is everything ok?"

"Well someone has been calling leaving weird messages I guess I'm just a little freaked out by it."

"I don't blame you. If you want you can come over I'm sure he will be back soon."

"You sure I don't want to burden anyone?"

"Sure come on over."

I hung up with Aj and tried calling Elijah again.

It didn't make sense that he wouldn't answer the phone.

I started to get worried espicially since Aj said someone kept prank calling them.

What if someone hurt him?

I started to get really scared.

Maybe I should call my mom and dad.

No that was just silly.

They never go out, besides what would I even tell them?

No I don't want to worry them.

It's probably nothing just my over active imagination.

I heard the doorbell so I hurried downstairs.

I looked to see who it was then unlocked the door for Aj.

"Hey thanks for this. I know I'm being a big baby."

"No your not. Plus I like the company. Want to watch a movie?"

"Sure, and thanks."

"No problem."

I popped in a movie then sat down.

Once it was dark I looked over at Aj.

There was something so familiar about him.

I felt safe with him, but I didn't know why.

I wondered who this boy was.

What was his story, and why was he staying with Elijah.

There was just so many unanswered questions.

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