Be a Girl That Has Only Been Mentioned Once

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Your name is TONI ELAINE. You are a MYSTERY and no one knows much about you at ALL. Infact there is only ONE person who is more of a mystery than you and you two are CLOSE FRIENDS, but we'll talk about him later. Its your time to shine. You have long blue hair, brown eyes but rebel against the whole TYPE IN YOUR EYE COLOR THING and type in a dark shade of MIDNIGHT BLUE, like your hair instead. You wear blue jeans, a yellow tee shirt with a MIDNIGHT BLUE symbol on it. You have no idea what it means, if it means anything, but it looks cool and was given to you by a friend, so you wear it anyway. You also wear dark blue converse. Now that we are done talking about shit no one cares about, what shall you do?

Toni is already doing something, shes in a memo with two of her other friends. Well, more like friends of a friend, and they weren't invited to play with them, so now they are venting. Lets check out the memo shall we?

-------currentcutlassGamer opened memo board: BITCH WHAT THE FUCK-------

CCG: you assholes didn't invite us to play with you.

CCG: What the fuck is this bullshit?

CCG: I thought we were friends.

-------currenttricksterMassiah responded to memo-------

CTM: Dude Kyra is my bro and she didn't invite me :(




--------currentnightlyInquirer responded to memo-------

CNI: What the actual fuck do you want me to do about it? And stop fucking whining I swear I can hear you through the fucking computer.

CCG: Tell her to let us play.

CTM: She isnt answering us

CNI: Why aren't you bugging someone shes close to?

CTM: They don't like us.

CCG: Or she doesn't like them. XD

CTM: One of those two.

CNI: You two stop finishing each others sentences right now.

CCG: Toni please.

CTM: You can't contain our bromance.

CCG: No one can.

CTM: It's too cannon to be contained.

CNI: Eugh.

CNI: Fine, I'll talk to Kyra about letting you two morons play, if it will get you to SHUT UP.

CTM: Thank

CCG: You




-------currentnightlyInquirer ceased responding to memo-------

-------nightlyInquirer began pestering masochisticNeosurgeon-------

NI: Why didn't you ask Ben and Johnny to play.

MN: Beclaws we only needed twelve purrlayers.

NI: Can they play?

MN: I don't see why not as long as they both have a copy of the game.

NI: Great thanks.

-------nightlyInquirer ceased pestering masochisticNeosurgeon-------

-------nightlyInquirer began pestering cutlassGamer-------

CG: Yo what she say?

NI: You two moronic imbeciles can play as long as you both have a copy of the game and don't piss around. I can already tell Brian and I are going to be the ones getting shit done around here and I don't need twelve lolly gagging shitheads slowly us down.

CG: Will do. You know I take gaming very seriously.

NI: This isn't Legend of Zelda Ben.

CG: No shit Toni.

NI: Glad we've gotten this all straightened out. I look forward to playing with you.

NI: I've already installed the game and logged on as Brian's server player. So upon hearing of your arrival he may hold a meeting to establish a set server client chain.

CG: I'm cool with that. I'll install the game now and tell Johnny whats up.

NI: Excellent.

-------nightlyInquirer ceased pestering cutlassGamer-------

-------nightlyInquirer began pestering controllingObserver-------

NI: Ben and John are joining us, please tell Tim as I don't have him on my chumroll nor do I wish to.

CO: Alright.

NI: Have you figured out how to alchamize yet?

CO: Nope.

NI: Alright.

CO: Have you?

NI: I don't have a server until Alex logs on, which should be shortly as she has just gotten her copy of the game.

CO: Natalie has gotten hers as well.

NI: Does Tim wish to hold a meeting to set a server-client connection chain?

CO: He does, but I talked him out of the idea.

NI: Why?

CO: It will just start an argument between you, Toby, and Jeff over who gets to be Alex's server and client.

CO: And now that Johnny has joined we also have to think about shit going down between him and Jack.

NI: Maybe that's why Kyra didn't invite him to play?

NI: To avoid that kind of drama.

CO: It's possible.

NI: Well, whatever I don't care anymore.

CO: Me neither.

NI: I should go see if I can figure out how to set my strife specibus.

CO: It's easy really, I already set mine.

NI: To what?

CO: PistolKInd

NI: Kind?

CO: Yeah, I think every weapon falls under a set category and that determines what kind of weapon you can use.

NI: Ah.

CO: I don't know if we can use weapons outside of that category or not though.

NI: I guess we shall find out next time Toby or Natalie flip their shit.

CO: Hahaha.

NI: Well, as always its been good speaking with you Brian.

CO: Likewise Miss Elaine.

-------nightlyInquirer ceased pestering controllingObserver--------

Another Homestuck StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora