Chapter 5

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Hey guys here's the next chapter! Don't hate me! So sorry this took so long!


She abruptly stood and led me from the quiet study. I quickly ran after her because she seemed like she was on a mission. Boy, she was hustling.  We came back to the kitchen, with a flick of a finger the porch door opened and we went outside. I took in everything. Outside the porch led to crisscrossing walkways, and a grass quad. There were houses or buildings circling the beautiful grassy quad. It was like a city. The buildings were made of bluestone and had long white pillars at their entrances. I followed her to the left down that two yard wide pathway. I liked the way my feet crunched on top of the rocky path. I saw a couple sitting on a blanket by a strange fountain with carvings. It looked like some language that was lost with time. A man walked past us, whom I think I recognized from the dinner. He mumbled some greeting to Vivian who nodded politely. He just stared at me, it seemed longer than normal, but kept walking. I ignored him and followed her to the second building on the left and walked up the stone steps to the beautiful building. Because I was behind her I didn’t see if she flicked a finger or if the grand white doors opened automatically. We entered a library, by the looks of it. There was a small circulation desk before us and to the left down a hallway I caught a glimpse of bookshelves. The other hallway to my right led to what looked like a classroom, I saw desks and some sort of podium.

“Hey Vivian, what can I do for you?” The lady -that I hadn’t noticed behind a computer screen at the desk - asked. Her deep eyes flickered to me but looked uninterested. She was young, actually probably almost my age, maybe a year older.

“Hello Lynn, I’m here to see Arthur.” Vivian said shortly and without further explanation. Lynn nodded and looked back down at her computer, her pale yellow hair fell over her light violet eyes. I couldn’t tell if she was actually looking at the screen though. Vivian didn’t hesitate and walked down the left hallway past the girl. Once past the desk she was gone. One second there, the next invisible. I stopped suddenly confused. I knew enchanters could become invisible to the human eye but not to other enchanter’s eyes. I heard a snicker.

“It’s a barrier wall, one of the last defenses we have against outsiders. Like you.” The girl named Lynn said in a high pitch voice, emphasizing the “you”. I glanced at her, her eyes boring into mine, obviously trying to control me. What a failed attempt. I looked straight back, turning my eyes on, feeling the rush inside myself. She froze, understanding now how foolish she had been, I could feel her try to tug away but she couldn’t break my stare. Finally I realized her gaze, and in turn her face seem to turn to venom. She glared daggers at me but didn’t say anything. I just ignored her and waited for Vivian, because I didn’t know what else to do. If the barrier before me was for outsiders then I definitely couldn’t pass and nor did I want to try and look like a fool in front of this pompous girl beside me.

Eventually realizing that I was ignoring her the girl turned back to the computer with a huff. It was interesting that they had computers in this “base”. Computers were not used much anymore, humans believed they were the cause of the rise of enchanters, so naturally many were destroyed during the Great War. I’d never really used one growing up, Uncle had one, but never turned it on. He said that they were beacons that led to bad things. I assume now he meant the Adder.

Throughout my time alone I’d wondered so much about the questions he never answered before his death. I asked him so many times why he said the things he did to Kole. He said, he hide me from Kole. Why? Why had Kole shown up in the first place? What was my Uncle to him? I felt a small swirl of sadness inside of me because I may never know why those things happen. I’d left those questions behind, all they would do would cause me pain.

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