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Chapter 1

My pale quivering hand pulled the knife from her chest. I could feel the sticky blood covering my hands, the wind whistling wildly against the back building of the alley way. Her life drifting to the heavens, I shoved the knife in my pocket and ran in the same direction I’d seen the others go.

I’d never had blood on my hands before. At first it had felt warm but now it made hands feel tight as the blood began to dry. The alley was pitch black, I saw no sign of the others that had gone this way; the night was busy with the sound of cars on the nearby roads, emergency services rushing through the towns. Suddenly I felt lost in my own city before tonight I’d barely been through the alleys if at all; I was a newbie at this kind of thing, Talesha showed me the streets, showed me the different side of my city.

I hear the sounds of police cars getting closer. Panic fills my body I don’t know why, it’s not like anyone would know about her death, would they?

The knife feels heavy in my pocket dragging me down. I began to run, down the alley’s which seemed to be looping in circles. I had to find the others but they seem to have disappeared. The siren’s had stopped I wondered where they had gone. I ran down another dark alley looking at all the graffiti on the walls as I went further the alley suddenly stopped, I had reached a dead end.

I saw torches shining down my alley; the light blinded me for a second. I blinked a few times before I was pushed up against a wall. There was whispering before a hand shoved into the pocket with the knife in and withdrew drew it. More hushed voices before a man’s voice hissed into my ear “name?”

“Cassie Horicks”

“Cassie Horicks I am arresting you on the suspicion of murder. You do not have to say anything, but it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned something which you later rely on in court. Anything you say may be given in evidence.” Handcuffs gripped tightly around my wrists. As I’m pushed down the alley I see there are three police officers surrounding me and the one holding my arms. One had the knife in a bag the other two were looking around for clues as we walked.

“Have the other’s found anyone?” one of the guys whispered to the one holding my arms

“Not yet but they’re still looking around the area” the one next to me nodded. Contemplating.

Their talking stopped as we reached an area with many police cars and an ambulance. I was pushed into the back of one of the police cars while the police officers in the area gave looks of disappointed looks. Instead of looking out of the window, I look down at the floor as a police officer gets in next to me and another gets into the driver’s seat. Putting the sirens on we speed of into the night.


The police station was buzzing with people. I could see them all through the window of the room I was in, still handcuffed.  They were waiting for my parents to arrive. My parents were going to go mental, probably telling me I’ve disgraced the Horicks name. My parents are rich and snobby with good jobs; they will be disgraced to know I’ve been arrested, let alone for murder.

It felt like hours before my parents showed up. I watched them hurry in their faces the definition of furious as they were talking to one of the officers, before they were lead to the room I was in.

“Cassandra Kira Horicks I have never been so disgusted with you in my life, murder?” using my full name meant she was really mad that was the only time she used my full name.

“I didn’t do it” I hissed at her, she looked taken aback before continuing her rant.

“I knew that girl was no good for you, I knew she was going to get you into trouble, I just never imagined you would be stupid enough to murder someone”

“I didn’t do it!” I repeated defensively

“You were found with the murder weapon, jacket covered in blood and are linked to that girl” my father growled.

“Doesn’t mean I did it, and by the way she had a name you know, remember it was Talesha, my friend, why would I kill her?”

“You tell us but the police say you are the only suspect!”

“Why won’t you believe me?”

“Why should we? You are not the daughter we raised” before I had chance to reply a police officer entered.

“Mr and Mrs Horicks for the severity of the situation we will be remanding your daughter in custody until her trial but you may appeal for bail if you so wish”

“No we believe it will be good for her to remain in your custody then she may understand the consequences of her actions”


“We can and we will missy you are not 17 yet and until that time our decisions are final”

“We will give you the address of the Juvenile detention centre we will be holding her in until the trial should you wish to visit”

“Thank you, now may we have a moment” my mother asked in a  sickly sweet voice.

“Of course we will be right outside” I watched the officer leave as a tear formed in my eye.

“We are doing this for you, one day you will understand” My father offered. I knew he was lying , they didn’t want their reputation damaged.

“How could you?” I chocked struggling to believe my parents had just given me away.

“It’s for the best”

“No it’s not; it’s your way of getting rid of me. We all know that, I will never forgive you for this”

“Do not speak to us like that, we are your parents”

“Some parents you turned out to be” I yelled hearing my mother gasp in exaggerated hurt.

“It’s for the best, now we have to go, we will come and visit you really soon” and without a second look they left.

I’d officially lost everything I ever cared about in the space of an hour. 60 minutes. A matter of seconds that caused everything in the past sixty minutes to happen, a matter of seconds that changed my life.


So this is my first original fiction, I’d like to know what you think so please review J

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2013 ⏰

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