The Plan

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So our first plan didn't work out and we ended up staying the night. The group was talking about a new plan when we got back to the cave and we ended up making a plan about getting Ivy drawn out of her house. So Aphmau suggested someone dress up like Zane. "But I would be a horrible Zane, I had totally different hair color and I'm taller than him." Garroth said but then stared at Aphmau. "What?" Aphmau asked "I can't believe I'm saying this but why don't Aphmau be Zane. She looks simpler to him but the problem is where do we get Zane clothes?" Garroth said. "So you need a fake Zane?" Amber asked walking out of the shadows. Garroth jumped and turned around "WHERE DO YOU KEEP COMING FROM?!?!" He asked which made me laugh. Amber helped us and we soon had a fake Zane.

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