Chapter 5: Moving In

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Chase's POV:

 "OMG! Your gay?" he said wagging his beautiful spotted tail." I am too." 

 So, that is what began our romance, nothing really happened over the next few hours in school. We went in, did our work, and went back to my truck. As I went to my truck, Ezekial said to follow him to his dad's house, and that his dad said it was cool if I stayed... Even better, I now have a great boyfriend who actually cares about me.

After we got to Ezekial's house, his father said he wanted to talk to me, alone. "I had a talk with social services today, and it has been decided that you will live here. Also, your mother has been placed into North Paw County Jail for child abuse and abandonment charges. I hope that you will always be comfortable here. Also, I sense that you and Zeke have a little bit of a bromance going on right this very moment..." he said.

"Yes, we do," I said, " He is the reason I had the courage to come out to my family."

"All I can say is welcome to the family, Chase, you are now a Marshall," he said.

Isaiah Marshall POV:

A few hours earlier while the boys were in school

"One, two, three, This is Corpral Marshall with the Northpaw County Sheriff's Office, are you Mrs. Conrad?" I ask

"Yes," said the female.

"Turn around and put your hands behind your back, you are under arrest for child abuse, neglect, and abandonment of Chase Stone Conrad, you have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be held against you in a court of law, you have the right to an attorney, if you cannot afford one, one will be appointed to you by the court. Do you understand the rights that have been read to you?" I ask.

"Yes," she said.

"CPS has been called, and you  are going to lose custody of Chase, and he will be placed into County custody." Marshall said

Author's note:

I know it has been a while since I have written my last chapter, I have been so busy. I started my new job, and getting settled in Georgia, and everything transferred. I hope you are enjoying the reads, and I'm thankful for all the reads.

Jeff Marshall

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