The Cupid Who Detests Romance - Chapter 4 - The New Arrival

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Rosie was rather taken aback when she returned home only to find the hallway outside her flat absolutely littered with a large number of gigantic cardboard boxes. Due to the banging and clanging coming from the flat across the hall and the fact the boxes seemed to radiate out from one doorway, she ventured a guess that someone was moving in next-door.

With great annoyance she picked her way through the complicated maze only just managing not to trip over. It was unbelievably inconsiderate to leave all these boxes to block the corridor in such awkward positions. If it was completely necessary to leave them in the corridor then they could have at least organised them so people could pass without breaking their necks in attempt to get to their homes.

She eventually reached her front door and with great irritation noticed that the biggest box in the corridor blocked her entrance. She attempted to kick the box out of the way but it appeared to have been loaded with boulders as the box wasn't going to move without great effort from Rosie. She threw all her weight against the box and after a long while of struggling she eventually moved the box enough for her to squeeze through the door. Now red in the face with exhaustion, Rosie looked up to see that the new owner of the flat next door had finally decided to make an appearance. He was tall, muscular, blonde and had a perfect Hollywood smile. She imagined many people would find him rather attractive but Rosie was not at all impressed by his stupid, gleaming white grin.  

"Are you okay sweetie? Oh the boxes! You didn't have to move them. I could have done that for you." He said this while flashing her, what Rosie would have imagined he thought was a dashing smile. The fact that he called her 'sweetie' added even more outrage. He was just about to find out that there was nothing sweet at all about Rosie.  

"No shit Sherlock. Seen as it was your boxes that are blocking, not only my door, but the entire corridor too, I would only expect for you to be the one to remove them. However seen as you were too busy in your flat to give a care for anyone else, it was up to me to remove the boxes you had ever so rudely abandoned. And if you ever use a pet name such as 'sweetie' when referring to me again, I will make sure you regret it." She spoke these words with furious venom and then slammed the door behind her once she had squeezed through the gap. It didn't look likely that he would make the mistake of calling her sweetie again.

Perhaps she had acted a little too rudely towards her new neighbour which could be a little troublesome due to the fact she had to live beside him. In her defence he had antagonised her by thoughtlessly leaving his boxes in a chaotic manner meaning that people had to battle their way through his labyrinth of belongings. He didn't deserve politeness.

She began to worry that Leah had been trapped by the boxes too. Leah had only popped out to get a few bits and bobs from the supermarket across the road and that was forty minutes ago.

Just as Rosie was beginning to worry, Leah walked through the door but appeared to be giggling to someone who stood outside. She carefully closed the door and then turned to face Rosie with a look of dazed excitement on her face.  

"Have you seen our new neighbour?" she asked breathlessly. Rosie bit her tongue and held back a rant about the boxes which was building up and merely nodded. She got the impression that Leah had gained a very different impression of the rude box abandoner. 

"Wasn't he just..." Rosie immediately thought of quite a few words to finish Leah's sentence but none of them were what she eventually settled on. 


"He was okay," Rosie said, hoping for a swift change in conversation although it didn't look likely. 

"Okay? Those muscles, that smile and he was so nice. The perfect gentleman! There was a big box blocking the door to our flat and he immediately stopped what he was doing to move it out of my way." Internally Rosie was trying very hard to quell the urge to roll her eyes while Leah grinned dreamily. 

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