The Next Week

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The next week passed and you didn't hear an answer from anyone until Tohru, Yuki, And Kyo walked up to you on Friday.

Yuki: Hey _____, so we talked it over and we thought that as long you don't tell our secret, you could stay with us, but you will have to share a bedroom with Tohru.

You: Thank you so much guys, I don't know how I could ever repay you.

Tohru: You could help us pick out a bed for you.

You: You don't have to I have an air mattress.

Kyo: You need a real bed do you want it or not.

You: Of course I do my air mattress is flat.

Kyo:Then don't complain about getting a bed ok so let's go get a bed for you.

You:Ok I'm sorry Kyo.

You are on your way to the mattress store and Kyo asked if u liked martial arts since you wanted to be on his good side you obviously said yes.

You:Of course I do I love martial arts.

Since you didn't know anything about it you decided to learn it for Kyo.

15 minutes later you got your mattress and bed frame now you were on your way home. But after you ran home you went to the school and grabbed everything in the tent that was yours even you took down the tent and took that to.

You get home and Tohru just finished making supper.

You:Hey Tohru what's for supper?

Tohru:Nothing special just rice balls.

You ate supper and took a shower then went to bed. Gosh did it feel good to sleep on a real bed again and not a flat air mattress.


Sorry that it's not that long I had writers block yesterday and I sorta still do. So if you guys really like my fan fic please comment on it if you have any requests of fan fics you want me to write either write a comment or shoot me a message. If you really like my fan fic and you want to know what other books I will write in the future then please follow me I only have 1 follower so it would make me feel so happy just knowing that people like my fan fics. Bye. ~<3

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