Chapter 4

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On the way to the hospital I tried to stop screaming but the pain was to severe. They stuck a needle in my arm and I don't remember anything after that. I'm guessing they helped me fall asleep. I woke up in a hospital bed. I squirmed around. I screamed, I remembered what had happened. I looked at my foot. It was covered in bandages. I called for the doctor. She came in.

"Am I going to be OK, will I be able to walk fine?"

"Well were not so sure, we'll have to run some tests. Is there anyone who takes care of you?"

"Well my I live with my dad but there is someone else, I'm not sure if he'll come though."

"Can you tell us your fathers name and number and your other persons name and number."

"My fathers name is Derek Costa and his number is (707)- 881-0021. My friends name is Jay Winslow and his number is (707)- 285-7811."

"Ok thank you Miss Costa."

I smiled. She walked out of the room.

"Umm wait, if it's not to much trouble can I have a drink."

"I'll be right back with some water."

"Thank you." She walked away. My eyelids felt heavy. I shut my eyes. I woke up with Jay sitting at the side of the bed.

"Jay you're here."

"I got a call from here and someone asked me if I knew you and I said yes and I told her I was your best friend and she told me you had hurt your foot really bad that I could come see if you if I had time."

"That means a lot to me."

I started to cry.

"Shh shh, it's going to be ok."

He cradled me in his arms.


"Oops sorry."

"You know you didn't have to come right."

"Of course I did, your my best friend."



"Nothing never mind."


I drank some of the water the lady had left me. I was so thirsty.

"Do you think you'll be going back to school?"

"Not anytime soon, I'll most likely have to stay here for a few days."

"Oh yeah true."

"Well I'm going to go sit in the waiting room."

He kissed my forehead before walking away. I blushed. He looked back at me and smiled. I smiled back.

"Jay wait."


"I l-like you."

He blushed.

"I like you too."

"Will y-you be my b-boyfriend?"

"Of course."


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