What I think about when I think of the signs

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What I think about when I think of the signs

Aries: princess ariel. pretty self explanatory. also staying up until 6 a.m. 5 a.m conversations. y'all are very chill people to talk to, we can relate a lot

Taurus: turtles. I'm not sure why. But also Bulls because y'all are hard headed af. but that's a good thing. y'all are such hilarious people our convos always make me laugh

Gemini: how I used to say gemini like gem-ee-nee. and dogs. and jewelry because of gems. light eyes and medium colored hair. 3 a.m meaningful conversations. lasagna and taylor lautner. you get unnecessary hate but don't worry I love you :') our conversations are so amusing I love it

Cancer: soft putty. and pillows. and cuddling. fluffy socks, fluffy blankets, and stuffed animals seriously y'all are so cute and fluffy. also we get along really well we don't fight very often

Leo: lions because leo the lion! also wild. procrastinating until 3 a.m. coffee. lots of it. facetimes for hours. our conversations are always memorable yet I don't remember what we talk about

Virgos: the word virgin tbh I'm sorry the words are just so similar. you guys are so dorky, in the best way. lots have brown hair and blonde hair. you guys are perfectionists, very nice people. you work hard on everything you do until you're the very best and more

Libra: horses. also pretzels. cute fluffy blankets also. loud but gentle. very smart people. you're very sweet :')

Scorpio: spiders. yuck. also scorpions. and leather jackets and combat boots. deep conversations with gemini at 3 in the morning. facetiming friends for hours until morning. you people always find random things to talk about there's never a dull moment

Sagittarius: sea horses LOL. good friends. talkative in class. very friendly. basketball. we talk very easily and get along well :) you're very heartwarming

Capricorn: gazelles and goats. also winter. also corn. very cute and nice people. tall. lovable people you all are. conversations never fail to amuse.

Aquarius: aqua man. LOL I think you can guess why. or ocean animals. do you like dates in the aquarium? "skank." sometimes we fight but we've gotten over that :)

Pisces: the word pieces said differently. also goldfish ;) the snack the smiles back. dancing. goofy but serious. I noticed that you only show a part of yourself to people but you show your closest friends everything.

From the point of view as a Scorpio

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