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It was was about 9:00 pm. Taehyung went back home. He saw his father, drunk. He was hurting his mother again, hitting her. Taehyung couldn't take it. He doesn't like seeing his poor mother get hurt again. He was really mad at his father. He took an empty bottle from a table and hit it on his father's head. His mother, who was surprised, cried. Taehyung couldn't control himself. He held the broken bottle and stabbed it on his father. His mother kept shouting at him to stop, but he couldn't. All the pain that his father caused to his mother, kept coming  back to him. He kept on stabbing his father at the chest. His mother then stopped him by pulling him away. Taehyung, who had lots of blood on his hands and shirt, saw his father falling on the floor. Taehyung then realized what he's done. He killed him. He killed his own father. Tears then fell on Taehyung's face. He couldn't take it. He ran away as fast as he can, away from the house. He kept on crying. He was full of his father's blood. Taehyung went to far. He kept on running and running. He didn't know where to go. He then stopped,  wiping his tears with his hands full of blood. Suddenly someone called his name.


He turned around, seeing one of his friends in front of him. It was Yoongi-hyung. Taehyung suddenly felt dizzy. His sight began to blur. He started swaying around.

"Taehyung!" he heard his hyung shouting while running towards him. Suddenly, everything went black.

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