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"How's the meatball?" My parents had come to visit me in my apartment. I had been living in this apartment over a year and they come at least twice a month to check up one me. If only my brother came, he would help me out and just escort them out the door. I do love my parents. They just have their own way of showing me their love.

"Meatballs are good, Mom." I stab the pointy end of my fork into the meatball and plopped it into my mouth and chow down on it. "How are things back at the center?"

"Hailee, don't talk with your mouth full." Mom scowls.

I swallow the bits of meat until they were all gone from my mouth and ready for me to ask her again about her job. Mom started her new job as an assistant for party rooms at the center where all the fancy, rich people throw parties at. "How was work?"

"Fine. Not many people are coming to this one party for Isabel Hayes. She has been cheating with the father of the manager." She laughs bitterly. Mom hated the rich. Even though she was rich. Well, her parents, my grandparents. After my grandfather died when I was a toddler, he gave my mom all of his money from his will. She had been inherited millions. But she puts the money away in only for good use and tries to make the money on her own. Those are one of the things I admire about my Mom so much. But she was the kind of lady that works all day and stresses out.

"Dad?" I turn to him. "Anything new with you?"

Dad was usually loud. He was more out going than my mom. Who is quiet but stresses out easily than others. Dad's a trainer. He has his own gym I used to go to until I stopped going when I started college in the city and didn't had time for it. I wasn't really big on working out but it was the only thing to kill time and bond with my dear old Dad. "Nothing new with me." He answers after taking a long drink of lemonade Mom made as well.

"Actually Hailee," Mom puts down her fork. Dad had lean a bit closer to the table, all stiffen up.

"Now, Cheri..."

"Pete! Let me talk. Please." Once Dad backs off, Mom continues. "Hailee," she starts again, "have you been seeing anybody?"

I wasn't surprised by that question. I knew it was coming. Just like the other fifty times I had been asked by her. My Mom thinks I need a man in my life. She met Dad through my grandmother's old high school friend. Or something like that. Ever  since I was fifteen, she had always tried to get me to meet someone's son from work or grocery stores.

"Hailee, you really must meet someone." My father says. Now that's what surprised me. Dad never liked the idea of me dating. "You need a man to take care of you and look after you."

I rolled my eyes. "Seriously? Since when did you liked the idea of me with a guy alone in the room?"

"Keep rolling your eyes then they will stay stuck like that." Mom snaps.

"I don't care."

"Well you should."

"Well I don't."

"Hailee Steinfeld—" my mom was about to add more to it when someone was knocking my door. I get up and ran to my door. I thanked the person who was knocking on my door. I wouldn't care if it were a homeless man or Mrs. Keen from down stairs asking about her cat.

I opened the door to reveal a guy. He was just standing there, on his phone. He looked up after a second of taping on his phone. "Hi," he says.

"Hi," I said back to him without even knowing his where about. "I'm sorry, um, I really don't mean this in a rude way but... who are you?"

He chuckles. "It's fine. I'm Shawn Mendes. My friend who lives in the apartment above you wanted me to ask you if you had some tea."

I made a face. "Tea?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2016 ⏰

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