"I really hate two face. Because I don't like to pretend. Pretending to be the good, or pretend to be the bad. Better to be yourself."
"No matter how hard we try to forget, if the liver can not give up. The result will be worth it."
"Basically, all humans will go. Whether today, tomorrow or in one hour. Appreciate while he was still there. Because as he goes, it is impossible to go back."
"When I die, don't come near me. Because my hand may not be able to wipe your tears."
"Smile is the choice when the tears have no meaning anymore."
Jangan lupa voment guys :)
Poetry- SEKILAS INFO - 1. Quotes di sini berasal dari novel wattpad dan novel cetak yang sudah (pernah) saya baca. Bisa juga dari sebuah puisi yang memiliki diksi yang indah. 2. Jika berasal dari novel wattpad, maka akan saya dedikasikan untuk penulisnya...