A Story Never Told

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I can scream and no one hears.
I can tell you my story but you wouldn't understand.
You see my smile, but you don't know how long it took to make it.
The hurt, the pain
You never know the amount I face.
I carry myself well, but you don't see when it all fall away.
The loneliness that suffocates me and leave me broken for days.
How much i cry knowing all the people I'm surrounded by but yet I still have no one.
My longsuffering heart.
While I'm waiting on my better days, my joy always.
It's a hurt in itself to feel like your less important.
But I have a little light knowing I have something greater then myself.
That I'll one day be living my greater days.
I'm thankful for a dream I have inside of me that I can't wait to see.
This is the other side of my coin,
The one no one sees.
The story never told.

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