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A/N- anything in (parentheses) and in italics, (example), is an A/N

As Dumbledore raised his wand to reveal the goblet of fire, a wail could be heard, then howling winds burst the Great Hall doors open, everyone was struggling to not fall off the benches. Then, the weirdest noise came rushing in, as though it was riding the wind and carrying its message. What did everyone hear?

"P-A-I-N-T Subscribe!"

The noise died down, the winds froze, and the wailing ceased. Let's take a look at how everyone was reacting to this, shall we?

Let's start with Slytherin house.
Malfoy was clinging onto Crabbe, Crabbe was hiding behind Goyle. What was Goyle doing? He had resumed eating his desert. (I'm sorry, I couldn't restrain myself from doing this 🙃)
Pansy had fallen off the bench, and no one made to help her.
And....those were the only interesting ones in my opinion, the rest of Slytherin were staring stoically at Malfoy, their supposed Slytherin Prince, hiding behind his goon.

Ravenclaw however, was in an uproar.
Those Ravenclaws, ever the thirst for knowledge, were chattering amongst themselves, asking one another if they knew what that was.
Our favorite Luna Lovegood was just calmly reading the Quibbler, upside down as usual.

Black and yellow clad Hufflepuffs were frozen in their seats, staring ahead, forever scared with the disturbing noise. (Not really scared, but yeah.)

Griffindors were reaching for their wands, forming circles back to back, facing out, preparing to defend themselves from all angles if needed.

Durmstrang, ever the tough and immune ones, were just showing off how unaffected they were. They had been trained not to show the slightest bit of weakness. They held a slight ounce of respect for the Griffindors, they admired that they were ready to defend themselves on the spot if needed.

Beauxbatons were fixing each other's hair from the wind, once done with that, they faced the teachers once more.

The teachers, to sum it up, were, like the Ravenclaws, chattering amongst themselves on what could've done that. Dumbledore wasn't in on the conversation, he had already heard that before, on a guy named Jon Cozart's channel. The movies summed up in 99 seconds videos were his favorite, he would rewatch those all the time. His eye twitched, and he stood up and yelled,


All talk ceased at the wise wizards command.

What they hadn't noticed before was that an iPhone had dropped on the teachers table. However when they did, the muggleborns immediately knew what it was, along with some half-bloods, but other than that, no one knew what this strange piece of metal was.

A bolt of lightning struck, blasting a hole through the roof. When the light receded, a girl could be seen.


(Btw, this is actually a description of what I look like and what I'm wearing right now as I write this)

She was around 5 feet tall, and had black hair that rested just past her shoulder blades. She wore black yoga pants and a sky blue shirt that had the word 'Dare' written in pink on it, along with a white outline of the number 15 on it. It fell past her waist, obviously worn for comfort, which seemed to be her whole theme. She wore black flats with little bows on them, easy to slip on and off. She also had glasses, they were a mix of dark brown and an amber color. The part that went behind her ears were the same color as the front, however they eventually trailed off and in replace of that was a solid sea foam-ish color.


'Hi ya peeps!" Was the first thing this mysterious girl said. Wow. As she saw that no one had said any greeting back to her, she decided to continue on.
"My name is Crystal3493, but for short, just call me Crystal. Not my real name, but I like it, don't judge. I sent that iPhone in here with my mystical 'authors powers'," when she said that she signed quotation marks, "and that iPhone better not break, or else I'll shoot the person who breaks it." With that, she stuck her left hand out to her side. A black bow appeared with a green hand-hold. A quiver full of metallic blue colored arrows with 2 white and 1 green tail feathers also appeared clipped onto the waist of her yoga pants. Just to prove her threat, she nocked an arrow and drew it back, aiming it seemingly no where, when she let go the arrow struck just to the side of Dumbledore, who currently was holding the iPhone. (If I could, I would probably do this given the chance, however my aim isn't really good)
"Now that introductions are over, let's get onto watching the video, yes?" She put the bow away and summonsed a wand instead, in her right hand this time.


It was black with an amethyst set on end, (to clear things up, not the tip,) and thin, silver ribbon-like designs trailing around the wand and up to the tip, getting fainter as they got closer to the tip of the wand.


Crystal summoned the iPhone from Dumbledore's hand, and touched the tip of her wand to the iPhone, whispering something. A large white screen appeared, and what was on the iPhone was projected onto the white screen.

"Alright, all set and ready to go." As she looked around the hall, she realized that no one other than her had really said a thing since she arrived. She decided to have some fun. She whispered something unknown and threw a royal purple colored glittery sphere, (I've decided on calling it a glitter bomb, can be any color I wish,) that appeared into the palm of her hand, into the middle of the hall. Everyone's vision was obscured by royal purple colored glittery smoke. The only one who could see clearly was Crystal. After the smoke died down, everyone was coughing and rubbing their eyes.

"Now is everyone ready to start the video? I also want some reactions from you guys, preferably good, for my readers. Understood? Or else I'll throw one of my glitter bombs again." Crystal threatened. She just seemed to love threats. Everyone assumed that what she had thrown was a glitter bomb, as she said. People didn't understand what she meant by 'readers', but they went with it, not wanting another glitter bomb.

"Ready? Here we go!" Crystal tapped the iPhone with the tip of her wand, and the video started.
Yay, I feel so accomplished! I'm so so sorry for not updating my other story, I was just caught up in working on this one. I saw one and wanted to try to do one, so here it is! I know the words by heart, so it's not going to take me long to get it typed up. I might extend this to other stories inside of this one book. Anyways, chao!

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