Resuming Time

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"I would like to thank you all for letting me share this summary of Harry's life and his adventures at Hogwarts with you." Crystal said

"We didn't invite you thou-"

Malfoy ended up with a strip of rainbow duck tape over his mouth

"Well, thank you for your time, I must be leaving now, but first..." Crystal suddenly had an evil look on her face, while rubbing her hands together, it was a creepy combo.

The Great Hall was suddenly filled with noises. Loud bangs, pops, and well, explosions!

"I present to you, the future products of Weasley Wizard Wheezes!" Crystal flicked her wand and products came raining down, fireworks kept on igniting, and mass chaos ensured. It was funny though. Crystal smiled at her work, and slowly turned into mist and disappeared, not disaparated, dissolved. (Spelling?)

Everyone eventually calmed down once it had stopped raining Weasley Wizard Wheezes products and the fireworks ran out. They noticed that Crystal had disappeared.

They noticed however, her iPhone was left behind and was open to the video they had just watched. Dumbledore quickly picked it up and stored it away in his robe pocket. He then proceeded to reveal the Goblet of Fire.

All resumed as it did in the books, however, in the back of their minds as though it were a dream, they could still hear the video Crystal had shown them, subconsciously knowing a bit of their future, and having hope that all would eventually turn out right.


How do I know all this? Well, I was there. I was watching from my tv, watching their journey from all the way from their 4th year, to the defeat of Voldemort. Harry had just broke the Elder Wand, when-

"Sarah! Finish your homework before Dancing With the Stars comes on!"

I smiled, satisfied that everything had still turned out on the right time line even though I had shown them that video. How strange it was, I had always wanted to somehow be a part of Harry Potter, however it turned out alright and I wasn't disappointed by the result.

I turned back to my tv, before looking around slowly in all directions. I then slyly took out an object. It was black with an amethyst at the end with silver ribbon-like designs swirling up the object. I swished it once, and said

"Accio homework" I got to work.
Thank you to all who read this. It was fun to write, and I hope that you all have your own magical journeys that you'll write about. I hope to read any and all, nox

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               ~Hogwarts will always be my home. ~
                            ¨"ª¤.,¸¸¸,.¤ª"˜¨¨"ª¤.,¸¸¸,.¤ª"​ ˜¨¨"ª¤.,¸¸¸,.¤ª"˜¨¨"ª¤.,¸¸¸,.¤​

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