Sweat and Tears

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Light from the overhead spotlight poured down onto the heads of the puppets, making the second and junior puppeteers sweat under their hoods far more than the head puppeteer. Rasa's fingers moved the puppets mechanics in a smooth fashion, every movement careful and methodical, his attention on making even the practice performance perfect. The traditional Japanese music and narrative voice hummed in the background, telling Chikamatsu Monzaemon's story, Sonezaki Shinju.

The puppet in his hands, the character Tokubei moved with precision, as expected of someone in line for the position to become the head of a famous Bunraku troupe. Across from him, Rasa's nephew Sasori worked with the partner puppet, Ohatsu with equal precision, and yet the young auburn-haired teen also seemed unfazed by the rigorous work which went into manipulating the puppets, the major ones needing three puppeteers to function properly. The practice continued until the third Kazekage called out for the rehearsal to end.

Rasa turned his head to finally look towards the audience, wondering what the man was up to. "We've not completed the scene yet."

"Your fiance is paying a visit."

Rasa felt the corner of his mouth twist down, his dark brown eyes drifting over to the daughter of the third Tsuchikage, the title given to the head of one of the famous noh performers. The previous marriage meetings set up by the two families left quite a bit to be desired. Rasa couldn't fault the woman for her looks, as her skin was pale, and her hair dark as night. She also acted in the manner expected of a young Japanese lady, but the conversations between the two were not memorable, and her name managed to slip the auburn-haired man's mind.

The woman dressed in a kimono which rivaled the puppet Ohatsu's slightly, and she stood in the aisle way of the theater waiting for Rasa to take his leave, and proceed with the courtship, simply speaking to her about whatever came to mind. The aburn-haired man let his teeth slide slightly across each other, the idea of another boring conversation proving an unwanted annoyance. "This marriage isn't one of love, but to ensure the family line."

Rasa's dark eyes moved over to his nephew, watching the auburn-haired teen carefully. Technically the line should follow through Sasori as the sixteen-year-old was the son of the third's eldest son, but Rasa's older brother died with his wife in an accident when the boy was young, and the child's personality suffered. Rasa noticed the look of apathy Sasori gave the young woman from the other clan and knew the auburn-haired-teen didn't like her. The auburn-haired adult also couldn't put it past his nephew to do something he shouldn't.

The man shook off the eerie feeling emanating from Sasori and handed off the puppet to one of the understudies. He held out a hand, and helped her step onto the stage, catching the family doctor off to the side speaking to one of the backstage hands who managed to injure themselves. Rasa walked over to the young woman and felt her small hands entwine around his upper arm. "You are quite handsome for someone in their mid-twenties. Your hair color is also unique."

Rasa didn't respond, the discomfort of the situation drying out his throat. A creaking sound came from above, and the auburn-haired man looked up at the rigging in the small theater, the realization that something wasn't right hitting. He started to step aside thinking the young woman would follow after with the way she latched onto his arm, but instead she loosened her grip. The rigging from above quickly crashed down, his body moving to step out from underneath, dust rising up from the destruction.

He rose one arm up, covering his mouth with the sleeve from his black kimono used for puppeteering. Rasa's brown eyes widened to see the family doctor there, his leg trapped under the rubble, having pushed the woman out of the way, something he honestly should have done as the woman's fiance.

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