It's a lovely day for a white wedding...

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You were sat on your bed, pages of reports scattered around you in a untidy manner but nothing could distract you at this moment. You were reading through a report on a small girl who had been bitten by a werewolf, and you thought you knew who infected her based on the markings she had and where they had been left behind. You and Remus were still living with Sirius but had progressed to a bigger, shared room which at the moment Sirius was staying away from because the work you were doing was really quite morbid, especially the many pictures of people mauled by werewolves and the actual bites themselves along with the marks people had inflicted on themselves when affected by the moon. After word had got out that you, a semi famed doctor from St Mungo's, were dating Remus many people had hated on you at work saying that you were either trying to force him to take the cure you had been developing (which wasn't even a cure at all, but a more complex version of wolfsbane potion) or had been turned yourself, causing you to be publicly shamed for loving him, even to the point where in your interview with Rita Skeeter, she called you many things you'd rather not repeat in the proximity of Remus, or anyone for that matter even to the point where she had accused you of a mental illness referred to as clinical lycanthropy (the firm belief or obsession that you are a werewolf despite not actually being one), to distinguish it from the condition Remus had. The potion you were creating deeply interested Remus as well as your best friend Bill, both who had been turned, Bill more recently by the same wolf (Fenrir Greyback) and therefore more frightened and desperate for a way to control his urges rather than his transformation seeing as he was bit when Greyback was more or less human.

Hunched over the paper, your back began to ache and a piece of hair fell in your face as the door opened and then closed making you jump slightly. You looked up to see Remus dressed in one of his usual knitted sweaters he liked to wear in the morning, holding a cup of steaming coffee and a plate of toast balanced on his arm with a familiar smile on his face as he placed your breakfast down to wrap his arms around your shoulders, kissing you on the cheek as he peered at what you were doing over your shoulder.

"Good morning Darling. I hope you aren't working yourself too hard" He muttered, moving your hair out of your face.

"I'm fine thanks Rem, glad you brought me some food. I need a break, care to join?" You asked, closing the report files and putting them on your pillow out of the way.

Remus sat down next to you, grabbing a piece of your toast with an innocent grin as you rolled your eyes at him as you took a sip of your coffee and placed your head on his shoulder as he wrapped his arms around you.

"Mmmm, your hair smells nice Love" Remus commented making you laugh.

"That was so completely random Sweetheart" You replied, turning to face him.

"Well, I was going to say that Sirius won't shut up about his hair and it's related to you because he thinks you switched his shampoo with yours" He grinned as snorted.

"Of course, only Sirius. Come on, I need to put these back in the sink downstairs" You stood up, gathering your things.

"Do you need to finish your research?" Remus asked, going to grab the plate and cup off you.

"No, it's fine Love, I'll have a break. It is heavy stuff and I can't take it in long periods" You replied as you let Remus take the plate and cup he had brought you up.

You followed Remus only to trip over a stray book you forgot was there. Peering down, you noticed it was the original book you had used to find the correct dosage for Remus' Wolfsbane potion. With a slight gasp, you felt yourself lurch toward the floor but felt a strong arm wrap around your body, pulling you up before you smacked into the ground, looking up at Remus with a slight grin and a nod in thanks as he placed down the cutlery and plates.

It's a lovely day for a white wedding (Remus Lupin x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now