Chapter 2

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"I'm trapped forever!" I say out loud.

"No you aren't we can find you a home c'mon with us oh you must be so cold just wearing that thin sweater" says Brooke. So I follow them . They lead me to this beautiful apartment . Then Chloe tells me to wait right there with her while they get there parents.

Then Paige and Brooke come down with 2 woman , probably middle aged and they hug me and ask me if I'm ok.

"No I'm not ok" ,"I'm cold , hungry and haven't eaten for forever " and I'm trapped forever , I thought to myself. "Ok then come with me" says the woman with darker hair and blue eyes.

She brings me up the elevator, 4 whole flights , and we finally get to this beautiful apartment with this dirty blonde haired blue eyed guy who must be around my age. "Hey , I'm Josh Hyland" the boy says. "Hey I'm Maddie Ziegler" I tell him. "How old are you?" he asks me. "I'm 11" I reply.

"Oh cool I'm 11 too". "Didn't you dance at the Abby lee dance company years ago?" Josh asks. "Yea, but then my mom died and my dad wouldn't let me live with him, and my sister was lost" I said. Then it all came back to me ,in red.

Authors note: I've decided chapters will be 1 page long and sry I'm not the best writer but please give me some feedback (: thank you ! Xoxo~Anna

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2013 ⏰

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