Embarressment and an Apology

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[Hey guys, I changed this chapter up a bit cause it seemed absolutely ridiculous how Rosette became friends with them so quickly. It just didn't seem natural. Anyway, this ff will be better now now that she didn't randomly forgive all of them haha. Thanks for your guys support :D(if you want to skip to where I started changing it, its after Sam tells Rosette that Jungkook carried her to the nurses office)]

Yes. So here we are, Jungkook and I, me on the floor of the nurses room and him on top of me with both his hands at the sides of my head.

He is staring down at me probably wondering why my face is red. Because yea, at this point my face is probably a bright red color similar to a ripe tomato. His eyes are wide and as I predicted, they are a dark brown color. I stare back up at him and I think we stay like that for a few minutes.

Then Jungook asks, "Are you alright? How's your head? You fainted back there in the practice room so I was worried how you were doing."

"Were you here the whole time that I was out?" I asked.

He replied with a, "Umm.....well....you see, I was so worried that I just wanted to make sure that you didn't have any serious injuries."

He looked so cute. Hovering over me with his slightly blushed cheeks. And again for the third time that day, I was in the arms of a BTS member. I'm making a habit of it. I should stop this madness before it escalates to something that I can no longer control.

Just then, while I'm contemplating what to do to get him off me, Jungkook's friends barge into the room. They are shouting and humoring themselves, but once they see me and Jungkook in the position that we're in, they stare at us.

Jungkook looks up at his hyungs and starts to explain the situation, "um....ha..hyung.. It's not what you think---"

But he's cut off by V who asks with a serious tone, "What's going on here? What are you doing on top of Rosette Jungkook?"

And Jungkook again starts to explain, "I..she was falling....I went to--"

Again he is cut off, this time by Jimin who says, "He's finally got himself a girlfriend! Although I didn't think it would escalate this fast. I mean I know this is young love and everything but you guys only knew each other for less then twenty- four hours."

He then starts cracking up at his own joke and leans on Jin for support.

Ha. Ha. Ha. So funny. I think I'm going to suffocate from embarrassment.

Then Suga yawns really loud and long and says in a tired voice almost to himself, "Oh, there are the beds, I should get some rest. I'v drained my energy for today."

Then he starts toward me and Jungkook, who are still on the floor. Once he reaches us, he simply steps over us while yawning a second time and collapses onto the bed I vacated not 5 minutes ago.

Jimin is now wiping tears that have fallen from his eyes while still giggling like a schoolgirl who's been asked out by her crush.

V is strangely serious and is looking at me.

J-Hope was laughing along with Jimin and is on the floor clutching his stomach, which no doubt hurts by now.

RapMon is smiling and shaking his head while watching Jimin and J-Hope at the end of their fits of laughter.

Jin is looking at their Golden Maknae proudly, no doubt happy that he has finally got over his "fear" of girls.

Jungkook is looking at me and I have finally cracked.

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