Age of Heroes (pt 1)

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"Just hold on guys we're almost there." Aerrow called over to me and Radarr. I quickly looked back to see Junko following and possibly gaining.

"Aerrow!" I called out.

"Ya I see him, but not for long," he replied with a sly smile as I quickly followed him into the trees.

As we were twisting and turning all I could hear was Junko knocking them all down with his knuckle busters. Then I saw Radarr starting to freak out as we approached the terra edge. Aerrow looked over at me; I just smiled and narrowed my eyes as the edge of the terra quickly approached. As soon as I was in the air I pulled my wings out, I looked around wondering where Aerrow had gone. I saw him nose diving to the ground then at the last second his wings popped out. I just shook my head.

'Radarr must have had his eyes closed.' I thought.

Then Aerrow was right beside me. "Not bad Radarr," he said to his co-pilot, "do you think we lost them?" he asked me.

I was about to answer when something passed quickly between our skimmers. Aerrow dove right, I dove left and we both stole a glance behind us to see Junko firing at us.

"I guess that's a no!" I replied.

Junko fired again but this time Aerrow was ready and moved out of the way in time.

"You missed," he teased, but then the front of his skimmer got shot at.

"He might of, but Finn never misses." Finn gloated.

"I'll distract Finn." I yelled over.

"Ok Jackie, Radarr get that engine working" Aerrow said.

I looked over at Finn and he was kissing one of his arrows, placed it in his cross bow and was about to fire. I crashed into his skimmer just as he fired and instead of hitting Aerrow he hit Radarr who was trying to fix the engine. He hit it with the wrench, and in no time it was working again.

"You're not stopping us this time!" Aerrow yelled back at Junko and Finn, as Aerrow and I smiled at each other, flying side by side. But our smiles quickly faded as we heard the horn of the Condor. We stopped just in front of the window and saw Stork with a creepy smile.

"Got cha Sky Knights" he smirked.

Aerrow and I just looked at each other with horror. I looked over at Radarr it looked like he was trying to say something, but before I could tell Aerrow Radarr was frozen.

'Piper' I thought.

"Freeze" Piper said, confirming my theory.

"That's really cheesy," I whispered to Aerrow.

The next thing we knew Piper, Finn and Junko had surrounded us and we had the Condor to our backs.

"Face it Sky Knights you've been caught" Piper cockily told us.

Aerrow and I looked at each other and we both lightly nodded our heads in agreement. "Your surrounded," she continued "the only way out was if you were crazy enough to..." But before we could hear the rest of her sentence we had dove down towards the wasteland.

"They'd be crazy to follow us into the wastelands." I saw that Radarr was already freaking out, "we'll be fine" I assured him.

As we dodged lava, and monsters I heard, "See nothing to worry about." As we burst threw the clouds we saw Terra Atmosia. "Terra Atmosia, we're going to making it" Aerrow shouted.

Then we both put a velocity crystal in our skimmers and in what felt like two seconds we were on the terra in a tree by the Sky Knight council building.

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⏰ Última actualización: Mar 18, 2020 ⏰

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