Chapter 5

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I'm an angel with a shotgun

fighting till the war's won

I don't care if heaven won't take me back -

"OLIVIA ARE YOU AWAKE?!" I heard Drew yell through the phone. Geez. It was 11 am. Like, the middle of the night.

"No" I mumbled sleepily back with my head burried into my pillow. I heard Drew's laugh on the other end of the phone before he continued.

"Well, you better get up because I'm coming over at 12! MOVIE DAY!"

"Drew, what have you been drinking?" I laughed as I sat up in my bed.

"HAVE YOU TASTED MOUNTAIN DEW? IT'S HEAVEN." he answered. I laughed and got up to find some clothes. "Sure. I gotta get ready, see you in an hour" I said to Drew and hung up after we both had said bye.


Sure enough, at 12 Drew was at my door. Steph had already left, she was meeting up with a couple of friends. She was home around 5 pm.

"Hey Drew" I said as I opened the door and he walked inside. He had two bags in his hands and I wondered what it could be. It was just a movie day after all, we just needed...well, movies.

"Look what I got!" he said and pulled up some chips and soda. From the other bag he pulled up around 5-7 movies. Wow , we were gonna be laaaazyyyyyy today, I see.

"It's horror movies, comedies, and even a romance movie. Since you're a girl."

"Aw, that's sweet" I said and smiled. We made a bed of pillows and sheets on the floor and sat down next to each other, playing the movie. We decided to watch pirates of the Caribbean first.

"So, how's life?" he asked during the movie. I looked at him. He had his arm wrapped around my shoulders. Normally I would pull away, freak out or freeze. But Drew had his arms protectively wrapped around me, like he was afraid that if he pulled away I would slip and fall into a big black hole.

"Drew" I said and sighed. "Why do you want to talk about this right now?" He shrugged and stared into the air. "Nothing. It's just..I worry about you, Olivia." he answered. I believed him, when he said he worried about me.

If it was someone else I wouldn't believe them. I would think they lied, tried to manipulate me. But Drew, I trusted him. I knew he wouldn't lie. His eyes said everything, if he was going to lie once then he wouldn't be a good liar.

"Drew, I trust you. I really do. I want to tell you everything about me but I don't know if I can handle it myself." I said, this time it was me who stared into the air. I felt Drew stare at me next to me, and in the corner of my eyes I saw he seemed unsure to what he was going to say.

"Olivia. I...I just...I want to help you"

Drew. No. No no no no. You've seen how I react when people say that. DREW.


I looked at my arm. The pain was unbearable. I looked up at my dad. My wet eyes made him blurry, but I knew it was him. "daddy" I cried. "it hurts". "Shh, Olivia get up" he commanded. Sure, I was only four years old, I knew he had hit me a few times before. But I didn't know what trust was. I didn't know that trust wasn't something you showed to my dad. I never thought getting up and following him home would be the biggest regret in my life.

"I want to help you Olivia" he said as I layed on the ground after falling off of my bike. No, not like the big bikes for grown ups. Daddy had given me an old broken one made for kids like me. However, I had fallen of and my arm really hurt. My daddy reached out his hand and I hesistantly took it and he helped me up. "Let's go home".

As we came home, he closed the door and locked it. He didn't pay attention to me or my crying, he just told me to go upstairs. On my way I saw him looking at a picture of my mommy. He sighed and brought a bottle with something up to his mouth. I wonder what he was drinking. And was he....was he crying?


"Olivia?" I heard Drew's voice. "Olivia, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Olivia don't freak out I don't know what to do if you do" his voice was filled with worry. 

Calm down Olivia. Don't think any further. Stop it there. Dad was crying. Stop there.

I calmed myself and looked at Drew. "Can you handle crying?" I asked, noticing my voice was shaking. He nodded slowly, not really understanding where I was going. "I'll tell you what happened if you promise you can handle me crying."

"Olivia, why shouldn't I handle crying?"

Because dad always hit me if I cried. "Nothing." I said and shrugged. He looked into my eyes and smiled. "Tell me."


OMG HI OK SO IF YOU'RE READING THIS ILYSM anyway, there's something new in this chapter; SONG TEXT IN THE BEGINNING! I think I'll write those in the beginning of every chapter as long as I have a song xD This time it's "Angel with a shotgun" by the cab. Another thing, THIS CHAPTER IS REALLY SHORT I KNOW HATE ME next one will be longer PROMISE!

ok I think I'm going crazy, have a lot of energy...think I'm gonna go run around the house a couple times...bye! x

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