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(A/N)- Hellos readers, this is my very first book as well as my first boyxboy so if I slip up or completely bomb it please comment what you either LOVE or HATE about it either way I appreciate the  honesty so without wasting anymore time lets get to the story.

Aiden on the side ----->

-----Aiden's POV-----

          As I walked down the sidewalk towards the small diner I work at I feel a slight breeze blow my blonde, slightly curly hair out of my face for a split second and then fall gracefully over my ice blue eyes. A slight chill come across my spine and gives my slight pale skin goosebumps just as   I notice a large shadowed figure on the side of the road, siting on a bus stop bench. I tried to get a good look at him, but as soon as I saw nothing I turned to walk away so that I don't get too distracted and end up late, or Cathy, my boss who is around 60, will give me another lecture about who is in charge and will threaten to fire me for the thousandth time. Even though, I'm only one of three people who work her including Cathy. She might need me more than I need her.

          I approached the smallest diner in all of Oregon I was stopped in my tracks by none other than the wife of Satan herself, Cathrine Brooks, or Cathy for short.

          "Your late!" she spits at me, the venom in her voice painfully noticeable, so I checked my dad's watch that was slightly baggy and too wide for my skinny wrist.

          "By two minutes?" I try and say back but it ended up as a question.

          "Thats six minutes later than last time." she said while slowly walking her, 190 pound, 5'4, pudgy ass back around the small counter. Which I can's say much about because i only tower over her by a mere two inches.

          "Wouldn't that make me early?" I say dumbfounded and irritated as I hang my baggy jacket on the near coatrack. Then, making my way behind the counter with the devils wife herself.

          "Don't let it happen again!" she yells back at me. Not wanting to continue in this pointless argument I wrap my apron around my slightly thin waist. Grab a pen and paper and begin my waiting for our first customer of the evening to make an appearance.

          After about 5 hours of nothing and small talk with my coworkers Tyler and Rebecca I bid them farewell and give mean ol' Cathy the cold shoulder. As I walk out if the diner I realize its dark out. I huff out small puff of air in realization that if I don't make it back my small pug, Jasper, will wine and annoy the hell out of my neighbors again. 

          About a quarter mile from my apartment I notice the same large shadowed figure in the same exact spot on the bus-stop bench. It seems he hasn't moved an inch.

          "RAWWWRR" I scream bloody murder in the most girly voice I've ever heard me make. Just as someone swoops me off my feet and lugs me over his shoulder like I'm a piece of sack of meat.

          "HAHAHA... I got you again", my coworker Tyler said chuckling loudly as I pout, all while I'm still on his shoulder. He likes to tease me because I'm  smaller than him, freaking gigantor, he is 6'4 and 230 pounds of complete muscle. 

          Before we move any further I look back at the bust-stop bench and see that the large shadowed figure is gone, and without giving it much though I turn my attention to the oaf carrying me.

          Soon exhausted after me punching his back and failing my legs I ended up exhausted and realized that he wanted laughing or talking to me like he usually does. Tyler can talk someones ear off without even breaking a sweat, and thats another reason why I enjoy his company. We've been friends for only the two years I've worked at the café. He's only a couple years older than me, I'm 22 and he's 26. Ever since he defended me from a drunken customer, that Cathy kept serving drinks to, we've been the best of friends. We've hung out at each others places, went to the movies together, and other awesome fun things that we love to do together.

           After a couple minutes of awkward quiet walking, and carrying,  I decide to break the silence,"Hey Ty Ty, are you alright?" I cooed when I noticed he had a deep frown plastered on his face.

          "Yea...just have a lot of stuff on my mind, Aiden, no need to worry" he said while trying to give me a weak smile, which I could see right though. I frowned at the idea of him keeping secrets from me. I'll get it out of him soon, I hope.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2016 ⏰

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