Your Love Is Just A Lie Part 3 {Jack B.}

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Title - Your Love Is Just A Lie Part 3

Pairing - Jack Barakat x OC

Warnings - This is a long part, There is a cliffhanger, It is tragic, Heartbreaking, Cussing, The use of multiple POV/Point of View's, A small violent part at the end.

Description - You are making your move on what is to happen next for Jack and your relationship.

Author's Note -

tulisaandthediamonds on Tumblr: "happy ending for your love is just a lie!! i really liked the second part though, a little drama is always fine i think idk:3 please make a part iii ,love you & your imagines xx "

Anonymous on Tumblr: " I need a part three of Your Love Is Just A Lie. I love it so far!! :) " | " Part three please " | " Can you make a part 3 to "Your love is just a lie" it is amazing " | " Happy ending or not I need a part 3!! So good! " | " PART THREE OF YOUR LOVE IS JUST A LIE PLEASE I love your writing so much! xx " | " You are going to do a part 3 to your love is just a lie, right? "

czarcasticbytchhersheys on Tumblr: " PART THREE OF THE YOUR LOVE IS A LIE PLEASE I AM BEGGING "

streetcarnamedsubtext on Tumblr: " omg, you're love is a lie part three maybe? please and thank you! "

Batman's Hello Kitty on Quotev: " HI hi your jack story is so good! No pressure or anything, just wondering when the next update may be? I wanna see what happens next! 😊😊 "

MelonRaccoon on Wattpad: " Can we get a third part of this??? "

biancathecool on Tumblr: " Hi! sorry for bothering you but i am wondering when you and if you are going to do a part three too the jack barakat imagines about him cheating and you being at a resturant and then it ende with you running away from there? forgot it name, but are you going to? sorry again if i am bothering you! "

Jeez guys, I have made you wait SO LONG for this part of this story. I AM SO VERY SORRY! I wanted it out to you so much sooner than today. So this took me so long for a few reasons, one was that I actually really didn't know what I wanted to do, and the second one was that when I had actually found this to be how I wanted it my computer completely killed itself. I can finally post this because I just finally got a new one today. I hope you guys like it! I honestly didn't think I'd get this many people wanting to read another part anything I have ever made, it blew my mind to see how many of you seemed to want it. :D It was so amazing! Anyway, you can read the part finally. There is a fourth part that will be up later/a few hours from now that will be the last part. Originally this would have been the last part if I didn't end up writing so much for it like I did but whatever.

Word amount - 3,832

Tears burned and fell down my cold cheeks as I continued to walk before finding a cab and asking them to take me back to Jacks house. The rain was cold and pouring harder than when I had first walked out. I regret trying to look nice for once, I should have just worn what ever the hell I had in the closet like some pants or something. Then again I really wasn't expecting to fight to get a cab at all. My eyes glance towards the floor of the cab unable to look up at the driver or even at the streets. "So what happened to you miss? Some guy stand you up or something?" The driver asked trying to make small talk. Normally, at least all the times that I've been in cabs, they were silent with the radio playing but this one didn't have that.
"I guess you can say that." I mutter as I listen to the hard rain drops hit the roof and windows of the small car. There wasn't much said after that, he talked about how he usually got a lot of girls who have that happen and stuff but it wasn't like it really matter. In only a few minutes more we were already in front of the house and I got out with a sigh. I look out at the house and then glance down. I said I wanted to go home, but this home, it wasn't my home it was just a house containing my things. I look back at the driver and stick my head in. "Excuse me? Uh... I was just wondering if you could wait here for a little bit and then drive me somewhere else?"
He looked rather confused but in the end he agreed. "Sure. Usually I don't allow that but I guess I can this once. Make sure to come back." I nodded and closed the door before running to the front door and opening my purse. I pull out my set of keys to the front door and allow myself in. It's a great thing that I have a habit of not leaving anywhere without my own set. Walking into the house I look around and feel tears burn my eyes all over again before placing the key by itself on the table next to the door. I close the front door and run up the stairs before pushing the door to what was once both mine and Jacks room. I inhale and smell him instantly, I shut my eyes and choke back a sob before shaking my head and walking to the closet pulling a suit case from the floor of the closet. Opening it up right there I rip everything off of its hanger and throw everything into the case before doing the same to the drawers. All Of my things were now shoved into a small suit case that just didn't seem to want to close afterwards. "This is for the best. Come on just close!" I growled feeling the tears sliding down my nose at this moment as I suddenly force all of my weight on the back and force it shut. "He doesn't want me, that much is clear. I can't help that now. Just work with me will you!" I had been shouting at the case before finally getting the thing to stay shut completely and not work it's way undone like it was. I look at the coat I was wearing and slid it off before making my way down the stairs holding the bag with one hand as it slid behind me falling down one stair at a time. "I'm sorry Jack. I'm so sorry."

-Jack's POV-
"[Y/N]!" I shouted a few times running up the sidewalks and then down them again. Looking around I try to find her, but I see no signs of her at all. Where could she have gone?
"Are you seriously looking for her? Come on Jack, you have me why on earth would you want that waste?" I hear someone ask behind me with a snobbish attitude.
"Waste? Why would I want that WASTE?" I asked feeling my hand form itself into a fist before turning around throwing a deadly glare towards the one speaking. "How dare you call [Y/N] a waste! She isn't a waste! She is an amazing person! And I'm an idiot for not seeing that until now!"
"Jack she hasn't given you anything that you wanted! YOUR WHOLE RELATIONSHIP WITH HER WAS A WASTE!" How dare she. How dare she say such things to me about my love for [Y/N] and hers for me. Our relationship was all that I wanted, sure she didn't have sex with me all the time, but that was okay. She at least listened to me and actually cared about how I felt about things, she respected me and didn't toy with me or annoy me. She didn't tease me on purpose and she most certainly didn't say anything bad about anyone else! She was so honest and caring, so beautiful and full of life and passion. I was a fool to not realize how much she meant to me, I was a fool to have let it get this far and to have hurt her. She was who I wanted to have in my arms and presence and life, [Y/N] was all I wanted.
"No, it wasn't. My relationship with her was the only real thing in my life. You and I was a mistake! I should have never believed a word you said about her or about you and I. It is clear that you don't give a damn about any one but you and what you get out of something. Well go find some other dumb ass to sink you parasitic claws into and ruin their life!" I yelled furiously. I poured every ounce of venom I could have ever had into ever word I had said. She made me think that she was the right choice, she made me question everything I had believed and threw me into a pit of fire. This love we had, it wasn't love, it was me being drunk and blind believing that a cactus was an ice cream cone with a cherry on top. But now I've sobered up and now I see the real picture.
"What are you saying Jack?" Her voice was suddenly lower and filled with worry.
"I'm saying it's over. What ever is between us is done with. You were right, I had to choose someone and it'd have to be tonight. And I chose [Y/N]. I will always choose [Y/N]!" I state before shoving passed her and making my way quickly towards my car a block away.
"Jack! Jack You, you ASS HOLE! She'll never take you back! You'll just make a big mistake and realize that you are the biggest dumb ass fucker in the world! You'll find nothing, nobody! Jack! Jack! You fucking ass listen to me!" she yelled at me as I continued moving forward towards the car. "Fine then. Go. Leave. See what I care. Don't come running back to me when she tells you that she isn't come back!" I could hear a frustrated growl escape her lips as she stomped like a five year old having a tantrum. I open the car door and start the engine before driving as fast as I could without getting to the point of being pulled over to get to my house. With luck [Y/N] will be there and I can talk to her about this whole mess and work something out.
There was a small amount of traffic that was slowing me down. But I was invested in getting home, I needed to get to [Y/N] before anything else happened. I took different turns to avoid traffic and went on my way to try to get to the house. Eventually I see it in my sights and feel my heart pound faster with need to get there right now. Each second felt like an eternity and I hated it. Never before had I felt like that when I would make my way home. Not until now, not until I know she must have seen what happened in the restaurant when she left to go to the bathroom. I slowly begin to pull up to the curb just a few seconds after someone pulls away from the curb.
I feel confusion set but quickly disappear as I kill the engine and rush into the house. "[Y/N]?" I yell looking around the silent house. Everything seemed like it was when we had left. But there was something missing, something that didn't seem right. I close the door and look around again. There was Lisa's jacket, hanging on the coat rack next to the door. [Y/N]'s set of keys were on the table like she usually left them when she came home. But all the lights were off and there wasn't any sound. "[Y/N]?" I try again walking farther into the house feeling my heart pound with pain.
We had fought at least twice before where we were on terms of not speaking to one another, but usually she'd yell at me to go away or leave her alone before she started the silent game. I rushed up the stairs calling out her name once more receiving nothing back from anything. I look down at the floor before looking up at the door seeing that it was opened still. It was more open than how I had left it, and if [Y/N] was mad at me she usually would close the door and lock it tight. Just as the rest of the house there isn't a light on in the room it seemed. I push it open slightly and listen to the creak before walking in cautiously. "[Y/N]? Sweet heart? Are you here? We need to talk." I say loud enough for it to be heard through all of the second floor. Before I really look around the place. Flipping the light switch I freeze in place. My heart shatters and stops at the sight in the room. Drawers were pull out of the dresser or just hanging out while a few pieces of clothing scattered the floor while the majority of the clothes that were once there were gone. My eyes wondered to the closet to see a few hangers had fallen on the floor while others were hanging bare where [Y/N]'s clothes used to hang. Her shoes were missing and everything else that was her that was located in the room was gone as well other than the furniture of course.
Her keys though, they were on the stand when I walked in. Lisa's jacket was where she usually placed her own jackets... She.. she couldn't have been who left just as I pulled up. No that wasn't possible. I breathe hard and feel tears begin to form in my eyes before I spin around as fast as possible and run out of the house. I slam the door shut before running to the car. "I can't believe I missed her. I can't believe she just got up and left like that. How could I have been so stupid? Why was I so stupid?" I should have fought for her, I should have never cheated on her. She didn't deserve to be cheated on, she didn't deserve to be hurt like I had hurt her.
My vision blurred slightly as I drove quickly in the direction that she had left from. I needed to find her, just where would she have gone? I look around everywhere trying to spot the tail lights of the car that I had seen leave but couldn't see a difference between the ones around me and the ones that she was in. My grip on the steering wheel tightened as I force my head to think of the possible places that she could be at or heading to right at the moment.
Could she be staying at a friends? Did she have family somewhere near by that I didn't know about? I asked about whether she could be staying with one of the bands members up until I realized that they didn't live in town any more which ruled them out. Clearly she wasn't staying with Alex and Lisa or else they wouldn't have said anything to me at dinner. Her friends all lived the other way, so unless she took a u turn up at this light for whatever reason she wasn't with them. Unless I didn't know all of her friends, which would have been weird seeing as we both introduce each other to our friends. The only thing over near this side of town, or at least in this direction was the airport. But she wouldn't be leaving the state would she? Would she?

"So that'll be all then ma'am? No more trips or any other places you'd like to go?" I took my bags out of the car and thought for a small moment before looking up and watching a few cars pass before giving a half smile and shaking my head.
"Yeah, this is my last stop. Thank you for taking me here, you can keep the change." I reply before pulling the bag full of my clothes onto the sidewalk and passing the money towards the driver who counted it and then thanked me before I closed the door and went towards the doors of where there would be no going back, at least I hope that will be how it is. I don't care how much I love him or how much my heart is begging me to go back, he hurt me. He hurt me more than any other man ever has before, more than any other man or woman or being could have ever hurt me. That may seem dramatic but it's the truth. I have never felt so misplaced or so lost and alone. All this relationship was clearly was us just using each other.
My hand grips tighter on the handle of the bag as I walk towards the door and open it. A small blast of wind passed me before allowing me entrance to the dry environment of busy people trying to get to where they need to go for whatever reasons they have. My eyes glanced around before a small sigh escaped my lips while I made my way towards a ticket counter. There were a few people waiting in line but as far as I knew I had the world. It wasn't like Jack even noticed me gone, and it isn't like it matters to him any way. I blink back tears and swallow hard. I have already been crying too much in the short span of at least 30 minutes. Maybe not even that. Hell if I know.
I bite my lip and stand still in the line debating if I really wanted to just leave like this. He was my everything, he was the only one that I had seen my life with and now I had lost him, did I really just want to lose him without a fight now that I know the truth? Would I have fought for him if I knew about this four months ago? I shut my eyes and fight for an answer towards what I should do. What could I do? The grip on the handle tightens even more and constricts the blood from my fingers. Why is this so hard? Why can't it be easy? The tears became harder to fight and the pain was becoming unbearable. How could he have done that, this, how could he? Why did he have to make me love him only to hurt me? Why?

-Jack's POV-
I was about ready to jump out of the car just to get inside to make sure she wasn't here, to make sure she wasn't getting on a plane and leaving me completely. There was no telling where she'd be going if she got on a plane and left, she could go home, she could go somewhere else, she could go anywhere. About the time I got completely tired of looking for a parking spot one appeared out of no where and I took it. Just in time too, if I hadn't been there at that time then the car that showed up just seconds after I called the spot and took it would have stolen my only real chance to get in.
I parked and had gotten out as quick as possible. If it wasn't for the fact that I had a button on my keys that could lock the car it'd be completely open for any person to take. I probably would have even left the cars. My feet hit the ground quick and hard as I ran towards the doors of the building before flying in after someone opened the doors to get out. I didn't like the fact that I was being so rude to people but the fact was that I really had no time to wait for people to exit the building when someone I cared about with everything I had was about to exit my life because I was a fucking moron.
Moving passed people. Jumping and climbing over chairs. Doing anything I can to get to look around and make sure that her face wasn't one of the many that I saw in the group of people waiting to board a plane or get tickets. At that moment I had spotted a girl that appeared to be just like [Y/N] and my heart stopped and then began to beat harder when it started again. It couldn't be her, please don't let it be her. She had the same dress, the same shoes, the same hair. It couldn't have been her, but it was. I know it was, even before she turned to look towards me allowing take in her beauty all over again.

I saw him. I saw Jack. He wasn't more than a few feet away standing on a chair looking at me, looking for me. I glanced down and gripped the thick paper that was in my hand. A ticket, a ticket home, the one that I had just bought only moments before. Why was he here? What did he want? I don't really know what I felt at that moment. There were so many emotions going through me but something told me that I probably looked more like I was feeling shame or guilty for buying that ticket and leaving him. My eyes looked towards where I had last seen him only to notice that he had put on foot back on the floor before putting the other and then started to walk towards where I was standing. At first it seemed pretty slow and uncertain, but then it became quick and just a little less than panic. We had been in an airport together before, usually it was me waiting for him while he had the luggage and was coming home, but not this time. This time I wouldn't greet him with a hug or kiss, this time I wouldn't be taking him home either, I wouldn't be taking him to his home, the home that I don't belong in anymore.
When he stood just before me I turned my head to the side a little lower than what it had been and bit my lip lightly. "[Y/N]." He didn't sound as he usually did. He didn't sound like the man I knew, he honestly seemed scared, shocked, lost, maybe even broken in some sort of way.
"Jack. What uh.. what brings you here?" I ask before looking towards him. Shouldn't he be with his other girlfriend doing whatever she and him wanted?
"[Y/N] I... Look. I just... I.." His eyes looked down towards my hand and everything he had been trying to say just vanished into thin air. His face paled it had seemed and he became something like a manikin. "Y-you.. you have a ticket." His voice was dry and strained as if he either didn't have any water for a few days or was having trouble breathing.
"Yeah. I do."
"But..." He seemed to be lost and by the look on his face he seemed to have finally cracked. He showed pain and hurt, something I had never seen from Jack before and it troubled me. What was killing him so much? What did it matter that I had a ticket? He had that girl that he wanted, didn't he? "I.. We... Why?" I looked away when his eyes met mine. They were watery, scared, hurt, broken, they made it seem like his world was gone, like everything was dying right before him and he was powerless to do anything.
"Because what else am I supposed to do Jack? What, am I just supposed to stick around and.. and.. and do whatever the fuck I've been doing for the passed four months believing a complete lie? Am I supposed to just sit in my lifeless bubble and pretend that you haven't been seeing someone behind my back for that long? I'm not some fucking doll that you can just hide in a closet until you want to pull me out again. I am a human being! I need to breathe and think and love and be loved. And if you can't do that..." Water formed in my eyes and my heart pounded hard before I took a glance at him before backing away. "Then this is over."
"[Y/N] I never didn't love you. I have always loved you and only you. You can't end this, we can't... Please-"
"You have never only loved me, don't even lie like that! You have loved so much more and so many more than just me-"
"Flight 435 now boarding." There had been a delay in the flight schedule which had allowed me to have purchased the ticket I did. I turned to look towards the area it was located before looking towards him. He had pleading eyes begging me to stay, asking and praying that that wasn't my flight.
"I gotta go." I say quietly before pulling my luggage behind me as I walk off towards the boarding gate leaving him standing there.
"YOU! YOU BITCH!" I heard someone scream and turned my head just in time to see a blur hit me hard and push me to the floor while they got on top making it hard to move. My eye shut on the impact and I felt someones hands at my throat. What the hell just happened? Who would even be attacking me right now? There weren't any All Time Low fangirls in this airport which was full of business people at the moment. 

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