Theory 1: Ronbledore

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This Harry Potter theory is a personal favorite of mine. This theory is about how Albus Dumbledore is actually an older version of  Ronald Weasley, gone back in time to help out his old friend, Harry Potter. Some 130 years after the events of the second wizard in war Ronald Weasley becomes a knowledgeable and powerful wizard that uses an object such as a time turner to go back in time and help out his old friend. He would alter the memories of friends and families to help him along his so called 'quest'. This theory can be backed up with the similarities between the two characters and characteristics they both possess.

Physical similarities:
Some physical similarities (the way they both look) these two characters have are very accurate while others are more vague and we are just assuming. Let's start at scars, in the first chapter of the philosopher's stone he states that he has a scar on his left knee, "Scars can come in handy. I have one myself above my left knee that is a perfect map of the London Underground." In the prisoner of Azkaban, Ron suffers an injury to his left knee which then leaves a scar. The details of the shape and size however were left out. In the books Harry also describes both Ron and Dumbledore as tall and skinny and Ron having large hands reflecting in Dumbledore with long fingers.  In the pensieve   Harry sees a younger version of Dumbledore with auburn hair suggesting it might have once been red, like Ron's.

Similar characteristics:
When Harry first meets the two characters they both suggest they are sweet tooths. When Harry first meets Ron on the train he is eating sweets and when Harry first encounters his new headmaster Dumbledore offered professor McGonagall a sherbet lemon suggesting he too is a so called sweet-tooth.

Other bits to back up this theory:
Dumbledore always knows with out explanation, what will happen to Harry. If Ron was Dumbledore than Dumbledore would know this as Ron was Harry's best friend and was there for most of Harry's adventures at Hogwarts. This is proven in the goblet of fire when Dumbledore puts extra defences around the goblet to ensure Harry's name doesn't get put in, but of course when Dumbledore finds Harry's name comes out of the cup he is furious, sad and disappointed as he can't save Cedrick diggory and stop the dark lord from returning. Dumbledore also puts Harry in situations where he wouldn't put any other students because he knows what will happen to Harry.

There are many arguments for and against this theory and they could be argued in many different view but that is al I have to say about it so thank you and please follow me and like this part. If you have any ideas for new theory's let me know and I will hopefully get around to writing them. I will hopefully write soon this is my first time writing so please review how I did (spell check it if necessary).

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