chapter 8

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Ep 8

Rachel POV

I hear the knock on the door and run down the stairs, eager to see Finn. As I’m racing past the mirror in the hall, I catch a glimpse of myself. Oh. Dear. Lord. My hair is all over the place, my cheeks are tearstained, and I’m wearing my huge sweatpants and my Daddy’s sweatshirt. I look like a hobo. I hear another loud knock on the door.

Finn: Rach? You ok?

Rachel:  Urm, just a minute!

I race back upstairs and yell back down to Finn.

Rachel: Urm, you can just let yourself in, the door’s unlocked, I, uh, just need to sort something out upstairs.

Finn: (lets himself in) Urm, ok…

Rachel: (frantically rummaging through drawers and make-up bags, yelling down to Finn) Just help yourself to a drink or a snack or whatever….

Finn: (already looking through her fridge) I’m on it!

Rachel: (chuckles and finds her “cute” jeans and camisole, throws them on, brushes her hair and lets it flow over her shoulders, and slaps some make-up on, checks herself in the mirror and runs downstairs)

Finn POV

I’m sipping the lemonade I found in the fridge and pour some for Rachel as well. This is weird. But not in a bad way, I thought I would be feeling guilty, but I don’t. I feel like I should have been here the whole time. This is weird… it’s probably the water...

I hear Rachel coming down the stairs and try to look casual… Why does this have to be so weird?

Rachel POV

I enter the kitchen and see Finn leaning on the back of a chair, which then falls underneath his weight, he falls with it, his legs flying up in the air and kicking himself in the head….

I burst out laughing.

Rachel: (laughing her head off)

Finn: (sits up rubbing his head and back, realises that she’s laughing) Oh no, Rach don’t worry I’m fine. Yes I know I could’ve cracked my head open on the sideboard and died, but please Rach, I’m ok. (Sarcasm, doing that adorable half-smirk)

Rachel: (still laughing but trying to stop herself, getting hysterical) Oh my god! I’m…. so... Sorryyyyyy!!! (Tears starting to fall)

Finn: (chuckling with her because she’s going hysterical) could you just help me up?

Rachel: (still laughing) No, I really don’t think I can.

Finn: (getting up and picking up the chair to put it back under the table, still chuckling) was it really that funny?

Rachel: (starting to calm down, but still breathing heavily and chuckling) oh yes, yes it really was… oh dear….

Finn: (handing her the lemonade he poured for her earlier, chuckling)

Rachel: (taking it, breathing out) thank you. (suddenly feels kind of awkward)

Finn: (sipping his drink, trying to think of something interesting or cool to say)

Rachel: Urm did you wanna come upstairs?

Finn: (panicked look on his face) Um…

Rachel: (realising how that sounded) Oh no! Um… no… not like that, that would be weird…

Finn: (awkwardly agreeing)

Rachel: um, no just cos I might need some help with my drama essay, and I thought since you’re, like top of the class with me, maybe you could help me??

Finn: Urm… yeah I could probably do that.

Rachel: great, ok. (Starts walking upstairs, realises Finn isn’t following her) you coming?

Finn: Right yeah. Forgot (chuckles)

Rachel: (laughs)

Finn: (follows her upstairs)

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