1. It was the Battle of Labyrinth all over again.

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Annabeth sat in her bed. She was holding a slender box delicately wrapped in a gold finish. She examined it, taking note of its size and the possible contents. She had a few guesses but she wasn't so sure.

She had seen the gift, sitting atop her desk. It was addressed to her in black cursive writing. She didn't know where it was from nor did she know who sent it. She was wary at first of course. It wasn't everyday she got a gift from strangers. The camp borders are magically enchanted, it couldn't have been from an outsider. It was a camper. But what for? A secret admirer? A crush? Her head hurt from overthinking.

She held it gingerly, as if holding a bomb. Finally, curiosity got the best of her and she yielded.

Inside was a necklace. It was pure gold with a single circlet of jade set on a crescent moon. But the simplicity ended there. It was etched in ancient writings-too small to read. The necklace's clasp were two snakes trying to eat each other. It was also faintly glowing, an aura like light surrounding it. Undoubtedly magic.

Annabeth was perplexed. She has never received something like, like this. Sure she had Athena's cap but that was different. This necklace in front of her was Hephaestus' work, made from his very forge. What more? It had magic imbued in it.

She didn't know what to do. It could be a trap, or it could be a genuine gift to help her.

She decided to pocket it for later.


Percy Jackson was miffed. Much to his dismay, he couldn't bake blue cakes. Even with Katie and Miranda Gardiner aiding him he was hopeless. He had thought he would help with the icing and failed spectacularly. 'You're doing it wrong Percy, spread the icing not-' He put another layer on top as Miranda groaned in helplessness while Katie giggled. 'I said spread the icing not add. How can you even mistake spread for add?'

Before Miranda could give Percy another one of her disapproving looks, there was a blinding flash of light. Demeter was garbed in a green chiton while a yellow fabric draped on her left shoulder. She looked as miffed as Percy was.

'Mother', both girls breathed. It creeped him out.

'Percy, your baking skills are horrendous! I simply cannot watch ignorant men from my throne in Olympus!' cried Demeter.

After a few hours of grunting and threatening, Percy finished the cake. It was mostly Demeter but whatever.

A while later, Annabeth would come bounding to the Big House and return the books she borrowed for the day. Percy would present himself, kneel at Annabeth and give her the blue cake. Annabeth would swoon with love and they'd marry each other and fight monsters and live happily ever after-at least that was what Percy envisioned.

Instead, when Annabeth came, he was overcome with shyness. He panicked. He didn't know what to do. What if Annabeth didn't like his cake? What would he do then? But then, she was nearing the porch. It was now or never.

Percy came with his blue cake.

Annabeth looked at Percy, surprised. She merely laughed, a laugh so light-hearted that Percy started laughing too. Finally she asked, 'You made this?'

'I, I-' He blushed, beet red. Annabeth looked at him for a few minutes then smiled. 'Let me guess, A certain goddess helped you, am I right? She just couldn't stand seeing you from Olympus hmm?' That's my Wise Girl, awe in his thoughts, Spot on.

They sat near the beach, overlooking the afternoon sky as it splashed into an array of colors. They talked about different things-things that concerned them: the camp, their families, them. It was perfect for talking as the area was muted. The cake, thankfully, tasted good.

Percy saw Annabeth's eyes. They were a churning gray, means something's troubling her. He asked what it was. Annabeth pursed her lips then forced a meek smile. She pulled out a necklace from her jeans. It was beautiful yet it disturbed Percy. 'Can you-?' She glanced at him, gesturing. 'Around my neck.'

He got the hint. Percy tied it around her neck. As soon as he fastened the clasp, he looked to see how she looked. She was breathtaking. 'Annabeth-woah'

A piercing scream broke out from somewhere in the camp.

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