Chapter 14- y-you PERVERT!!

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it's 10 pm and they finally got done with Kagome's room
"Man I'm tired" Inuyasha said flopping on to kagomes bed" same here" Kagome said sitting on the bed "hey Inuyasha I'm gonna go shower you should get to bed you look tired" Kagome said starting to head to the bathroom down the hall "yeah yeah " Kagome heard him mumble.

*after the shower*
*kagomes P.O.V.*

'Cold cold cold' I thought to myself rushing to my room with a towel around my body. I grab my cloth and started to get dressed "Man its cold" I say putting on my t-shirt "yeah it's pretty cold" Inuyasha mumbled "what?!INUYASHA GET OUT YOU PERVERT!" I said throwing clothes at Inuyasha. "Hey stop I'm not doing anything "Inuyasha said while sitting up "*screams* cover your face you pervert I'm still getting dressed" I squealed pulling the towel around my waist.

"Oh..Oh! I'm sorry" Inuyasha said blushing a bright red and turning around looking away from Kagome "t-tell me w-when your done" Inuyasha said looking down

"I'm done you can turn around " I say still blushing "why are you here anyway" I say with a small attitude "I-I don't know I feel asleep I didn't expect this though" I hear inuyasha mumble "well go to your room you prev" I say opening my door "what if I don't wanna" Inuyasha said laying back down. "Inuyasha...if your going to spend the night in my room go get an extra futon and put it on the floor because I'm not getting in bed with a *smiles* prevert" I say extending the prev part just to mess with him. "I'm not a prevert" Inuyasha growls going to get the futon.

Once he comes back he sets the futon and goes to bed

*time skip morning time around probably 8 in the morning*
*still kagomes P.O.V*
I look over the edge of my bed to see little dog ears peeking out of the blanket I smile and roll off the bed and just flop on top of him just to have a laugh. I hear a grunt from under me then two arms grab me making me squeal in surprise "why did you do that" hear a Inuyasha say below the blankets "because I was bored" I say still smileing he moves one hand to move the blanket off of his face "why are you even awake this early" he says sitting up and moving me to his lap make in me blush "is don't know I just woke up" I say looking down trying to hide my blush "well that was fine so let's go get breakfast" I say trying to get up yet a certain person wouldn't let me go "Inuyasha let me go" I say trying to get up "no" he said stubbornly "inuyasha let me go I want to eat something" I say trying to get up again "It to early to eat food" he said laying back down pulling me with him "inuyasha.."I say in warning tone making his ears twitch "Inuyasha will scream so loud" he chuckles "even if you scream it would sound like a whisper from out side the door the walls are sound proof" I huff "that isn't fair" I pout he chuckles and let's go " I'm gonna go change meet you in the kitchen " says moving to sit up I nod and get up as well "I should change too" I say heading to my dresser as he heads to the door

*in the kitchen*

"We should make something together" I say to Inuyasha "I can't really cook " Inuyasha says "I guess you'll learn now what do you want to make pancakes or...a regular egg bacon and toast breakfast" I say looking around the kitchen getting familiar with it "pancakes sounds easier " Inuyasha says I giggle "pancakes it is" I say looking through the cabinets to find the pancake mix, vanilla, cinnamon and a bowl "Inuyasha can you get the eggs and milk" I say look behind me seeing inuyasha just sitting on the counter watching "alright" once we get all ingredients and supplies on the table

I put all the ingredients in the bowl (milk vanilla, cinnamon, eggs and the pancake mix ) "Inuyasha now you have to mix it" I say smiling "what why me" he said "Inuyasha you have to do something since inuyasha be the one cooking it" I say crossing my arms "Fine " he says grabbing the fork and mixing it he started slow and started to go faster to the point where some of the mixture was falling out of the bowl "Inuyasha calm down if you keep doing that we won't have enough for one pancake" I say with a giggle " this is easy" Inuyasha said slowing down "it's the easiest part of making pancakes " I say smiling once he's done mixing the pancake mix I make about 6 pancakes. 2 for me and 4 for inuyasha. We sit down at the table and start to eat

"At least I didn't burn them" I mumble to myself "what" Inuyasha said "n-nothing so why did you say with me for the 3 weeks I was out" I say looking up at him from my pancakes to see him blushing "I-I don't know I just wanted to" Inuyasha says as his ears flatten on his head "Inuyasha your ears...there so cute all flat on your head" I smile finishing up the last of my pancakes "you really like my ears, don't you" he said smiling slyly at me "I didn't say that I just think their cute " I say blushing, I start getting up to put my plate in the sink

I hear a chuckle "why do you always try to touch them " he says coming to put his plate away too "i- shut up" I say giving up and walking toward the stair case. Inuyasha than grabs my wrist "your going right back into your room? "Inuyasha said "yea what's wrong with that" I say turning to face him " well I just want to i don't know maybe hang out watch a movie or maybe swim" he said blushing slightly I smile and start heading up the stairs "I'll meet you at the pool in 20".

I'll end it here that was 1050+ words hope your like the spaming 😜😳

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