Madhouse Woods (Second part)

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Louis P.O.V

—Damn bitch!

Fuck, my heart was beating so hard due to all the adrenalin that I feel inside.

I was feeling like in any moment I'll finish without heart.

My brain was asking by screaming to my legs to stop, but they can't... they still running, they didn't stop.

I could hear the screaming of Harry behind us, they'll kill us in any moment.

I don't notice when we arrived at the end of the hall.

Emily was screaming desperately to finally arrive.

But my legs now were praying to stop.

We were so close to the end of the hall.

So close...

In the exact moment was everything it becomes black to me.



Louis opened his eyes slowly, suddenly he feels confused. He didn't know where he was.

He was founding in a room, he was lying on a white bed.

But he was alone, it wasn't signs of anybody.

He sat on the end of the bed to think.

Until reality falls on him.

Where was Emily?

Where was Carter?

Where was everybody?

Where was him?

He lifts up 'till the door of the room and tried to see if this was open.

Bad luck.

He started to panic.

He started to hit the door.

—Carter! —shouted.

No answer.

—Emily! —shouted again.

Louis doesn't give up, he continued shouting and hitting the door.

But... he was losing his hope.

"Nobody hear you, idiot." Says a voice in his head.

Every minute that passed were like an eternity in that hell. He only wanted to get out from this fucking place.

He asked himself how it would be if they'll never came to the madhouse, if they wouldn't came to this hell, if they wouldn't came to the place of his death.

But regrettably, there's no way back.

The guard said it.

"...once you in, you'll never come back..."

The boy slides on the door, he was living his worst nightmare.

He started crying.

"Why are you so idiot?" he though.

Louis contracted his legs toward him and hugged them.

—Where is everyone? —Sobed.


❝Madhouse Woods❞ (Larry Stylinson- OS) || English translation.Where stories live. Discover now